Categories: Parenting

Webkinz Bump Wii as Top Ebay Search

Webkinz bumped Wii from the number one spot on Ebay searches. I couldn’t believe it. Wii and Playstation 3 have stayed at the top of the most searched item list since their debut in November and January. I was shocked to see a new number one search. It was Webkinz. I do business on Ebay, but I have only seen the term “Webkinz” in the last couple of weeks. I had to find out about these Webkinz.

Webkinz are plush toys. During my childhood, plush toy meant a stiff, stuffed animal, filled with foam, that was neither cuddle nor cute. Webkinz, are soft, “lovable, plush pets that come with a unique secret code,” according to the Webkinz website. You enter the secret code on line and you are given access to Webkinz World. Webkinz World is the place where your plush little animal comes to life. Your access into Webkinz World allows you to adopt your pet, name it, and even decide if it is a boy or girl. Once your adoption is complete, your Webkinz is given their very own virtual room. You get to decorate the room, care for your pet, play games, answer trivia questions, and even invite your friends to visit your pet’s room. To visit you, your friend must also have a Webkinz.

In order to decorate your room, buy food, furniture, and clothes for your pet you must have KinzCash. You are given $2000 in KinzCash when you adopt your Webkinz. You can earn more KinzCash by playing in the arcade, answering trivia, or entering weekly contests. There is something new to do every day. The virtual tour of Webkinz encourages you to come in and play everyday. There is a secure on line chat system and a tournament room where you can play games on line with your friends. After all, Webkinz World has “the best kids’ games on the net.

That’s great, because you need to come back every day to feed and play with your virtual pet to keep him happy. A happy meter will tell you if he is sad or hungry. Keep coming back to Webkinz to earn more Webkinz cash and keep your virtual pet happy. Someone started a nasty rumor that something was happening in Webkinz World to harm virtual Webkinz. I was assured by a Ganz memo, on the Webkinz site, that there is no danger to your Webkinz pet. Webkinz is a safe place to keep your virtual pet.

There are so many Webkinz to choose from you can adopt an unlimited number of Webkinz. Each one comes with its own unique accessory. All you have to do is to continue to purchase Gan’s Webkinz. There are so many to choose from. I counted 46 on the website wish list, which you can easily print and give to your parents. This will allow them to pander to your Webkinz needs. You may also add the Webkinz purses or knapsacks to your wish list, or even adopt a Lil’ Kinz. I found 28 Lil’ Kinz to choose from. Go ahead, adopt a couple. Every Webkinz needs a Lil’ Kinz, and you must,also, visit them on line everyday.

Don’t worry about your real dog who needs to go out for a long walk, or wants a little time to play with you. There is no happy meter on his color. You can only judge by the sad look in his eyes, or his emaciated belly if he is hungry. While you play with your virtual pet mom and dad will take care of the live ones. Besides, a wagging tail, a sweet hearted, protective dog following you around trying to lick you is not as fun as taking care of your virtual plush pet.

I’m sorry. I can’t get past themarketing: lovable, plush virtual pets. The words “lovable” and “plush” want to go one way in my mind, while the word “virtual” wants to go another way. Over time I’m sure the dendrites will grow and connect the gap that prevents me from appreciating this concept. It’s not the first of it’s kind. Habbo has been a popular virtual hang-out for years. These virtual, life games are a junior version of similar teen and adult games. That must be what I’m missing: “Life is a game.” No, I don’t believe so. Perhaps we would like for life to be more like a game in which we have control.

It is so alluring for children, teens, and adults to live in a virtual world. Fantasy is easier than reality. No harm can come to your pet, Ganz assures Webkinz owners. Teens and adults seem to believe the same thing about virtual life. You can be who you want to be, do what you want to do, and go where you want to go in your virtual world. You can alter your age, your body type, even your gender.

Ganz has capitalized on our desire to enter the virtual world and is marketing it to kids age 6-13. . It is a great idea that preys on a child’s natural love of soft, cute, plush animals and adds the on line component. Ganz is concerned about your child enough to offer suggestions for limiting their play in Webkinz World. They suggest taking time to play with the plush toy, draw a picture of their animals, or invite friends over to celebrate Webkinz. Don’t worry, even if you neglect your Webkinz they can get sick, but WebKinz can’t die. However, after one year, you must part with your beloved virtual pet unless you purchase another one to keep your account active.

Webkinz can retire, so you probably need to rush out and buy every new release. Prices for retired Webkinz are already on the rise on Ebay.

Ganz has created another very cute collectible plush toy, and has found a way to make Webkinz addictive. Every kid will need one, otherwise they can’t interact with their friends in Webkinz World. I shouldn’t forget to mention the educational value of the site: budgeting and use of money, age appropriate questions in the trivia game, and addition and subtraction. I’m sorry, but I fail to see the value of buying a $20 Webkinz to get on line access to Webkinz World. I could certainly use this whole concept to educate someone about marketing, manipulation, and reality.

Kudos to the Ganz marketing team. I’m anxious to watch the Webkinz craze wax and wane.


Karla News

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