Categories: Nonprofit Information

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama

There are several reasons that a person has for volunteering. They may want to have experience to put on their resume if they’re taking a break from a paying job or someone may simply want to help their community by donating a little of their personal time. Regardless of your reason of becoming a volunteer, you’ll find that the volunteering experience is rewarding for all involved.

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama #1: Hand-In-Paw

Hand-In-Paw is located at 2616 7th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35233-2606. Volunteering with Hand-In-Paw can be a unique volunteering opportunity because you may have the chance to volunteer with your pet. To volunteer with your pet, you do have to go through three to four months of training with your pet. If this sounds like something that you wouldn’t want to go through, you can volunteer without your pet. You will still have to have training but it won’t be as extensive as training would be with a pet (they have to make sure your pet would behave and could handle being around people). Some of the volunteer activities you could do without a pet are: fundraising, office work, helping at special events, working in the library and much more. For more information, call (205) 322-5144.

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama #2: YWCA

The YWCA (not to be confused with the YMCA) is an organization that helps women who are homeless, have been abused or are down on their luck in life. You can volunteer in the After School Enrichment Program (assist children with homework, reading and more), Child Care (watch children at one of the faculties for homeless and low income families), Family Violence Center (answer crisis calls, etc), Tutoring Tuesdays (help with homework and then play games with the children), My Sister’s Closet (sort donated clothing, assist customers), Santa’s Workshop (Seasonal volunteer position. Volunteers help collect and wrap gifts) and at other special events. Before becoming a volunteer, you may have to pass a background check, depending on what position you are interested in. To find out more, call (205) 322-9922. The YWCA is located at 309 North 23rd Street Birmingham, AL 35203.

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama #3: VOSH Alabama Eyecare Missions

VOSH Alabama Eyecare Missions is an organization that helps people in poor countries get eye care and glasses. As a volunteer, you can go to these counties to help screen patients, etc. If you go out on a mission, you will have to pay your own way but the experience could be very fulfilling for you. The VOSH office is located at 5720 11th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35222 and their phone number is (205) 934-6150.

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama #4: Birmingham Museum of Art

Birmingham Museum of Art is located at 2000 Eighth Avenue North Birmingham AL 35203. You do not have to have experience to volunteer with the Art Museum as they will train you in the area you want to volunteer at. Some of the areas you can volunteer is the Docent program, Museum Store, Information Desk, Staff Assistant, Special Event Volunteer, and more. They even have a program for teen volunteers (aged 14 to 18). If you would like to volunteer at the Birmingham Museum of Art, call (205) 254-2070 for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama #5: Lifeline Children’s Services

Lifeline helps birth parents with medical care and counseling if they’ve decided to give up their child for adoption as well as find adoptive parents for the child. Lifeline always needs to volunteers to help out their organization. Volunteers can do clerical work in the office such as answering phones, make adoption packets, mail out items, etc. If you have college degrees and are qualified, you could even volunteer by being a counselor to those coming to Lifeline for help. Lifeline is located at 2908 Pump House Rd. Birmingham, AL 35243 and their phone number is (205) 967-0811.

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama #6: Birmingham Zoo

If you like being around animals, then the Birmingham Zoo may be where you should consider volunteering at. To be a volunteer, you have to commit to at least 4 hours a month, undergo needed training and pay a $25 dollar orientation fee. Volunteers can work in the following programs: Animal Nutrition Center, Docent, Lorikeet Interpreter, Gift Shop, Horticulture, Membership Booth, Marketing and Development, Greeters, Birthday Parties, Administration, Train Assistant, Elephant Foot Care Interpreters, Animal Observations, Camps, Butterfly Exhibit, Giraffe Feeding Station and Special Events. If any of the above programs interests you, call (205) 879-0409 to start the volunteering process. The Birmingham Zoo is located at 2630 Cahaba Road | Birmingham, AL 35223.

Volunteer Opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama #7: Alabama Ballet

Alabama Ballet is located at 2726 1st Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35233. Those who wish to volunteer with the Alabama Ballet can join The Friends of the Alabama Ballet. The Friends of the Alabama Ballet is a non profit organization that raises funds for the Ballet. Volunteers can help with fundraising, work in the Ballet Boutique and help at Ballet performances during the year. For more information, call (205) 322-4300.


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