Categories: TRAVEL

Travel Planning for Florida Vacations: Essential Items Needed for Visiting Tourists

When planning on visiting Florida, many tourists are under the impression that their vacation will be filled with sunny days in the summer and mild temperatures in the winter. While this looks great inside of travel brochures, in reality it is only a half-truth. In fact, some days, Florida weather can go from mild, to rainy, to humid, all within a period of a few hours. In order to help prepare tourists to adequately prepare for their vacation, here are a few simple items that are essential based on travel dates.

Summer vacations – Summers in Florida are very hot, and depending on the location (inland or coastal) can be very humid. A good sunscreen and pair of sunglasses are necessary, as well as cotton, light-weight clothing items. Afternoons in summertime Florida are often filled with daily four o’clock showers that are brief but intense. If planning an outdoor excursion, be sure to pack an umbrella or poncho. Florida summer rains often strike when it is sunny and bright outside, hence their nickname “sun showers.”

Another essential item to pack while vacationing to Florida is bottled water. While there is plenty of water available for tourists to consume at various vacation getaways, some of the water located in the state is sulphur-based and may not sit well with people who do not like the sulphur smell. Another alternative to this problem is to pack some Kool-Aid or Crystal Light individual drink mixes and add them to your water. When visiting Florida during the summer, heat indices are well into the 100’s some days, so staying hydrated is essential for your health and safety.

Winter vacations – Winters in Florida vary wildly, depending on if it is a “mild” or “standard” winter. When packing, be sure to allow for all of the day’s activities and locations when selecting clothing items. Because temperatures can vary greatly, dressing in layers can help accommodate your need for sightseeing while keeping comfortable. A coat is generally needed during the morning and evening hours, however during the afternoon, a long-sleeved shirt and jeans will suffice.

While many winter days in Florida are hot, many others are cold, dark, and grey. The sky may appear to rain, and generally it is a game of chance, as to whether or not foul weather gear will be needed. A thick or insulated rain slicker is an excellent item to pack and take with you in case it is needed.

Year round – For all seasons, a spare pair of shoes is also essential for vacation packing. This is not only designed to help tourists’ feet recover in case a pair of shoes does not agree with them, but because many parts of Florida lie at or below sea-level, and flooding is common. Many times tourists can be caught out in an unexpected rain shower and ruin a good pair of shoes, or be faced with the prospect of having to purchase a new pair, unexpectedly. To avoid these pitfalls, try to include at lease two pairs of shoes, and plan on comfortable, athletic shoes whenever possible.

Understanding your destination’s geography and climate will definitely help all tourists plan appropriately for their next Florida vacation. Enjoy!


Karla News

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