Categories: Alternative Medicine

Top Ten Most Useful Tips for Getting Rid of Anxiety

The following are some of the best ways of dealing with the various levels of anxiety:

#1. Medication

Some people who almost always are under stress and who frequently worry about all small and big things of life need help and support from medical professionals, counselors and relatives as well as friends in order to rid them of their chronic or acute anxiety disorder. Doctors usually prescribe various kinds of benzodiazepines to control anxiety. Diazepam (Valium) is one of such most commonly recommended drugs. In chronic cases of anxiety coupled with depression, they may prescribe SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in order to deal with it.

#2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Initially, for people suffering from very high levels of anxiety, prescription drugs may be necessary. However, they may gradually adopt several drugless methods to deal with their anxieties. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims at developing skills among anxiety victims to cope with their anxiety-related problems. The therapy involves doing things like making the patients challenge what they believe is the source of their anxiety, replace their negative thinking with positive thinking, get exposed to their particular phobia in order to desensitize themselves to it and so on.

#3. Self-Monitoring

Obtaining as much knowledge as possible about anxiety and related issues, and simultaneously monitoring one’s own mental condition in the light of the information is one of the best ways of coping with anxiety. Identifying the specific problem that causes the anxiety will lead to an appropriate solution.

Some problems have solutions, and in that case, taking suitable steps to solve those problems is better than worrying, without doing anything else. Others do not have solutions, and in that case, there is no point in worrying at all. Such an understanding achieved through self-monitoring busts one’s worry.

#4. Meditation

Squat with legs crossed on a plain surface (the floor is the best). Sit upright, close your eyes and breathe normally, fixing your mind on the process of inhalation and exhalation. Try not to think at all. Whenever the mind wanders away, bring it back to the breathing process. Regular sessions of meditation are effective in dealing with anxiety.

#5. Relaxation

Learn to relax in order to rid your mind of stress. Occupy yourself with games and other activities that are filled with fun and entertainment.

#6. Eating & Physical Exercise / Yoga

Make it a habit of spending time regularly on some vigorous physical exercise or yoga. Taking long walks on a regular basis is very beneficial. A sound body is conducive to a sound mind, which deals with its own problems in a better way. Eat right. If necessary, consult a nutritionist. Avoid processed foods.

#7. Avoid Self-Centered Thoughts and Attitudes

Most problems that are a prime source of your anxiety are a result of self-centered thinking and attitudes. As long as the thoughts centered on “I, Me, Mine” fill the waking moments of your life, your anxieties will bother you. Reaching out to make others happy, even when they are unrelated to you, by sympathizing with them and by helping them in times of need will work wonders for reducing your anxieties.

#8. Avoid Alcohol, Cigarettes, Caffeine and Other Stimulants

Although they seem to provide an escape route, they will only weaken your ability to cope with anxiety. Therefore, you must keep yourself from falling prey to all sorts of addiction.

#9. Avoid Bottling Up Your Thoughts & Emotions

Talk and discuss your problems with your close friend or relative. Let out your feelings. Some people get relief by going to a lonely place and scream their hearts out. The more open you are, the less will be your anxiety.

#10. Bring About Lifestyle Changes

Change your lifestyle so that you can avoid confronting the things that have been putting you under stress. Sometimes, a change of residence or job will help. However, the important thing is to do different things in different ways and places for a new lifestyle, for a new life free from anxiety.

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