Categories: Parenting

Top 10 Songs by Led Zeppelin

One of the very first albums I bought for myself was “Physical Graffiti” by Led Zeppelin and I have been hooked ever since. I was in my early teens and this band made such an impact on my life that in later years I named my house “Bron Yr Aur” and one of my horses “Kashmir”. At the time of naming my house it could have meant anything as I do not speak Welsh and a close friend of mine asked “what if it means something satanic or horrible, would I change the name of the house?” – the answer was a definite “NO. It is amazing that this one band has impacted on my life throught all of the years since I first bought this first album. The album cover alone drew me to it like a moth to a light and I have been held in this musical aura ever since.

My picks for the top 10 Led Zeppelin Songs are taken from a mixture of their albums as follows:

1. Physical Graffiti: Kashmir
2. Physical Graffiti: Bron Yr Aur
3. Led Zeppelin IV: Battle of Evermore
4. Led Zeppelin IV: When the Levee Breaks
5. Led Zeppelin IV: Stairway to heaven (absolutely have to include this song)
6. Led Zeppelin III: Since I’ve been loving You
7. Led Zeppelin III: Gallows Pole
8. Led Zepplin 1: Dazed & Confused
9. Houses of the Holy: No Quarter
10. Houses of the Holy: The song remains the same

Do you know how hard this was for me? I absolutely love “The Rain Song, The Rover, In my time of Dying….and so many more of their musical works.” Over the years most of their songs have found a place in my life so for me to select just 10 was almost impossible.

So, I guess everybody has their own opinions and Lord knows I have scattered a few around in my time as a writer. When AC sent an email to write about my favourite 10 songs by a band I was compelled to write this article. To me Led Zeppelin embodies my growth from a teenager to an adult with children of my own. And, guess what? Yep, you got it; my own children are now listening to Led Zeppelin and speak about them as if they had discovered them themselves. A full circle of life’s wheel has turned.


Karla News

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