Tooth Brushing 101: The Proper Technique

Most people brush their teeth on a regular basis, but how do you know if you are using the proper tooth brushing technique? Although dentists often argue over the best methods, there are a few techniques that are universally accepted and widely used.

What You Need

In order to brush your teeth properly, you’ll need a soft toothbrush with firm but pliable bristles and a tube of toothpaste that contains fluoride. For other oral health strategies, you might also want to have dental floss and an irrigation device on hand.

Make sure that your toothbrush is as clean as possible and that your toothpaste is appropriate for your mouth for the best tooth brushing technique. If you have sensitive teeth, for example, you might want to use a toothpaste that is specifically formulated to decrease sensitivity. There are also whitening toothpastes on the market if you want to get rid of stains.

Brushing the Front Teeth

Remember that, in order to brush your teeth properly, you’ll want to get both the interior and the exterior of the tooth cleaned thoroughly. For your front teeth, according to, you should start by brushing the inside of each front tooth using gentle back-and-forth strokes.

Make sure you dip the toothbrush down so that it cleans all the way to the gum line, and try not to rake the toothbrush vigorously from side to side. Using too much pressure while brushing your teeth can lead to wearing down of the enamel.

Brushing the Side Teeth

Your side teeth are those that extend from the front of your mouth to your molars. You’ll want to tilt the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and gently pull it back and forth over the teeth. Again, focus on cleaning both sides of the teeth all the day down to the gum line.

Brushing the Molars

In brushing your teeth properly, it is important to remember that the chewing surface of your molars are essential. Make sure that you focus on brushing the inside and outside of your molars as well as the tops using a forward-and-back motion.

It is also important to move more slowly over the molars so the bristles are able to find their way into the crevices in the teeth. This is where dental carries (or cavities) are most likely to form, so pay extra attention to them.

After you’ve brushed your molars, it is a good idea to gently brush your tongue to discourage any bacteria growth. This will also reduce any breath odor you might be experiencing.

Replacing Your Toothbrush

It is almost impossible to brush your teeth properly with a worn toothbrush. If the bristles start to look worn or if they start to bend at odd angles, go ahead and get a new brush to continue cleaning effectively. Even if there is no obvious wear, change brushes every three to four months.

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