Categories: Pets

Tips from an Expert on How to Tame a Guinea Pig and More

Guinea pigs make great pets, if you have the time and space for them. They are easy to handle, fun to watch, sociable, and are easy to take care of. Guinea pigs were first found as wild animals called cavies in South America. Much like there cousin, the hamster, guinea pigs soon found their way into peoples homes, living their lives as pets. The guinea pig has been known as a household pet for over 400 years, and counting. This large amount of time proves that the guinea pig does make a good pet, and due to their naturally gentle nature they are great with children.

Before you bring a guinea pig home there are a few things you will need. First off, and most important is, of course, a cage. A large cage that’s at least 3 foot wide X 3 foot long is best. The cage doesn’t need to be very high because guinea pigs do not climb or jump, so a cage 15 inches to 2 foot high will be fine. In the cage you will need an area he can hide in. You can make one yourself, it’s just a wooden box, 10 inches X 10 inches square, with a hole for him to climb in and out of. You are also going to need a water bottle. Guinea pigs can drink from a bowl, however a water bottle holds more water, keeps the water from pouring out, and keeps the water fresher longer. You can by a large water bottle any pet store or feed store, and the usually cost under $5.00. Bedding is another must for the cage. You will need to cover the bottom of the cage with animal bedding, or hay. The cage needs to be cleaned at least every 3 days, and all bedding tossed out, and replaced with new. And we can’t forget food either.

Feeding your guinea pig is just like feeding yourself. They too get tired of eating the same thing over and over, so you’ll want to change the food a little each time. Your guinea pig needs to be feed twice a day, even if they are little. You see, baby guinea pigs are born with all their teeth, and start eating the same stuff mommy guinea pig eats at 3 weeks old. You can find a mixture of dry grain guinea pig food at your local pet store, as well as treats, but they still need more. Fresh carrots, lettuce, and dandelions are just a few of their favorite foods. You can also give them apples, grapes, and so on. Since their teeth are always growing, they need to gnaw them down. Carrots, as well as other hard treats help take care of this problem.

Taming a guinea pig takes time, just like any other animal, however they are generally easy to tame. In order to tame one you must have patience, love, and respect for them first. It is best to start taming your guinea pig after the first 48 hours in his new environment. Remember, these little guys are fun, and gentle, but they are very shy at first. After he has gotten used to his cage, start trying to give him special treats by hand. After you have him eating from your hand, then they holding him for short period of times. Be sure to hold him firmly, because he might get hurt if you drop him. You might want to use an old toothbrush to brush him. Most guinea pigs like this, and will respond by making chattering noises.

A guinea pig is fun to watch, and enjoy. On average a healthy guinea pig lives between 4 and 5 years. They do get lonely, so if your not able to socialize with it often, you might want to consider getting him a friend. You can have several female guinea pigs living in the same cage, but not two males. A guinea pig will also happily share it’s home with a bunny rabbit, but you might need a slightly larger cage so they have run to play. Use care if your planning on putting a male and female together, as well all know what happens. Guinea pigs are pregnant for 68 days, and usually has two to four babies at a time. The male will need to be removed from the cage before or as soon as the female gives birth. The babies grow fast, they are born with all their teeth, hair, and their eyes opened. A newborn weighs about 3 ounces, and will weigh ten times that in six months. At eight weeks old you will need to find them new homes, because at eight weeks old they can start having babies.

Guinea pigs are fun, and make great family pets, but they are pets. You will by responsible for them at all times, and that is a big responsibility. However, they scratch less often the bunnies, and bite less often then hamsters. A guinea pig size also makes them easier for small hands to pick up. Just make sure you wash your hands before and after playing with him, as with any animal.

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