Categories: Parenting

Tips for Potty Training Your Son

It has been said that potty training little boys are harder then little girls. However, All my friends tend to think different then the statics show. Below are some great tips from mothers all around on how to train your little boy to use the potty. The usual sequence of potty training is nighttime bowel control, daytime bowel control, daytime bladder control, nighttime bladder control.

When buying your first potty seat your will want to make sure it has a urine guard that can be removed. You will want this because its easier to teach them to pee siting down. In the beginning, bowl and bladder movements often come at the same time. When they learn some about potty training you can then begin teaching them to stand up.

You will want to dress them in clothes that they can get out of fast. Often when toddlers say I gotta go, that means they gotta go right now, not in five minutes. Summer time is the best to start potty training in, most of the time you can have them in a teeshirt and underwear.

Once you start potty training there is no turning back. Do not give up hope on your child as this will only confuse them. You can not train one week and next week say forget it and expect to start back up the third week.

Use underwear and not training pants in the daytime. Training pants offer no sign of wetness. Just like diapers they have special gels that absorb the wetness. Your child will never understand if he cant feel wet. For a while Until they have daytime completely down, i would still use training pants at night only.

Do not put time limits on your toddler. Don’t say things like I’m potty training this week. Chances are it will take you more then a week. By placing time limits on yourself and your toddler you will just be setting your self up for disappointments. You will want to stay happy throughout this entire process. Your toddler can sense stress and that will not help the process.

Once you have potty time down, you can start teaching your son to stand up. Let a male role model teach them. Have your son follow the male and watch how he does it. Chances are he will want to join in on the fun.

Place “O” cereal in the toilet and teach your son how to sink them. This will make toilet training more fun and this will teach them how to aim better. You will thank yourself later for that one. Now if only your husband could be taught this easy.

Don’t punish your toddler for having accidents. Accidents are how they learn. They have to feel wet to understand how to be dry. Punishing them will only scare them away from the whole process.

Giving your toddler a sticker each time could be a very encouraging thing to do. Do not allow everyone to give him stickers, this is reserved for just potty time. Making a sticker book will also encourage them to use, as they will want more stickers to add to their book.

Never force a child to use the potty. When they are ready they will want to. If you force them they will only resist more. They will be scared of the potty and you will be getting no progress.

Try and feed them a lot of fruits, and hold off on things like bananas. You want there bowl movements to be easy. The first time it hurts for them to have a bowl movement will make them scared of the potty. They will then associate the potty with their pain and that will not be good.

Asking your child if they need to go often gets you a big “NO. Instead try using a kitchen timer. Set it for 20 minutes or what ever you feel is necessary. Teach them when the timer goes off its time to go try and use the potty.

Pick out some plain white undies and then let your child pick out there favorite ones. Start them in the white undies and tell them when they learn to go in the potty they can wear there favorite undies. If they have an accident put the white ones back on them. Tell them they have to have no accidents in order to ware their favorite underwear.

Remember every child will learn at their own pace. What may have worked for your first child will not always work with your second child. Don’t push the issue, they will do.

Karla News

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