Tips for Nurturing Yourself

We live in a fast pace world and it’s a good idea to take time to nurture yourself. Stuck on ideas on what you can do to nurture yourself? For tips on nurturing yourself, I have interviewed therapist Joan Levy, MSW, LSW, LCSW, ACSW.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I am a 63 year old woman, happily living and working on Kauai. I have been called: a psycho-spiritual midwife; a rigorous, makes you work hard therapist; astute and insightful; and a loving nurturing presence by my clients. I’ve been doing this work for a long time now and I continue to find it fulfilling and effective work.

I love to dance! I also love to create in my glass studio where I work on a torch melting glass into beautiful glass beads.

I consider myself an active participant in the evolution of our species – the domain of which I believe lies in consciousness.”

Why do so many people neglect themselves in this day and age?
“I think our culture’s pre-occupation with thinking and doing is a key factor. Along with epidemic mind disorders of low self-esteem and self-hatred – the individualized consequences of mind activity that is governed by judgment, fear and misunderstanding was actually going on when our needs were not met or when we experienced pain and loss in our relations with others.

If we are not worth it, we cannot possibly expect to receive what we need from others or from ourselves. When this happens we keep trying to think our way out of the box of our unhappiness and do more to create some kind of value for ourselves.

There is also deep confusion about self-care, often misrepresented as selfishness. And other-care, misrepresented as selflessness.

In addition time seems to be speeding up. There is more and more to do and less time to do it all. Consequently, many feel they are dog paddling, barely managing to stay afloat!”

What are the benefits of nurturing yourself?
“Self-care allows for regeneration of expended resources. Feels good. Gets one off the treadmill and available for life in the moment where connection to spirit and source is much more possible. Self-care allows for flow and unfolding to work its magic.

As we fill up our tank, our gratitude and vitality naturally wants to contribute to the well-being of others and we are much more available for loving relations with others and with the planet.”

What are some tips for nurturing yourself?
“The following are things I do to nurture myself and I think might benefit others too:

I love hot springs. So when I make a trip to the mainland, I make sure to include a visit to my favorite hot springs for 3-4 days. So think about a place you enjoy and nurture yourself by making a visit.

I have a chemical free hot tub myself, situated in a lovely garden area in my yard, which I frequently use. You may not have a chemical free hot tub but you do have a bath and taking a bubble bath can help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

I also go to a wonderful Hawaiian Day Spa here on Kauai where I receive a salt scrub, steam and sometimes splurge for the 2 person massage as well! The spirit of Aloha is strong there and I always feel regenerated and expanded whenever I go there. So find an inexpensive day spa in your area and take time to indulge in their services.

Creativity nurtures my essence and so I am often found in my glass studio. Explore and see what hobby you would enjoy and make that a part of your life.

Beauty nurtures me in all its many forms and I have objects of beauty everywhere I look in my home. You too can surround yourself with beauty such as flowers, plants, sculptures and paintings.

Dancing as I said is something I love. I am immediately opened to my true nature when I am dancing. So I dance and you can too!

True friendship nurtures me and I cherish the many ways the give and take of friendship enhances my life. Connection that is infused with openness, vulnerability and authenticity is probably the most nourishing experience of all.

I nourish myself with tasty, quality food. With music. With flowers. Just buying a fresh flower lei for no reason and wearing it till it dies is always a treat. I nurture my body with bodywork. I have a massage table at my house so I’m always ready to receive! Think about what you most enjoy and nurture yourself by surrounding yourself with those things.

I take myself to movies, museums, gardens, deep into nature and even shopping! Retail therapy you know!

Laughter is very nurturing and so I keep my sense of humor close at hand.

I nurture myself with receiving assistance from healers of all kinds when the time feels right. You too can ask for help from a therapist, clergy person, nutritionist and whoever else you think can help you heal from the inside out.

Thank you Joan for doing the interview on tips for nurturing yourself. For more information on Joan Levy or her work you can check out her website on

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