Categories: Parenting

Three Edible Things for Kids to Make and Bake with Pizza Dough

Whenever I make pizza, my kids want to help because they like handling the pizza dough. To kids it is like edible play-dough. They get to press the dough to form the crust, as well as enjoy the food. There are many other fun things that children can make with pizza dough, and it is a great opportunity to teach them culinary skills. I purchase the dry pizza dough that comes in a pouch. You just add hot water and olive oil over the top. Cover it for 5-10 minutes, and it is ready to be twisted, wrapped, seasoned, and more. Kids will learn and have fun by making and baking the following three things with pizza dough.


Whenever I have extra pizza dough, I let my 6-year-old help me make a pretzel. She loves these soft baked treats. We don’t usually put salt on them, but you can add salt if you would like. I worked at a pretzel store as a teenager, so I knew how to form these twisted treats. You can watch a video to see how to roll out the dough and wrap the pretzel. I only wrap mine once, but the video demonstration wraps the pretzel two times. The choice is up to you.

Pepperoni bites

Pepperoni bites are another one of my youngest daughter’s favorite things to eat. These bite size, baked squares are fun to make, bake, and eat. You simply take a small piece of dough and press it flat on a plate or cookie sheet that is sprayed with nonstick olive oil spray. Each piece of dough should be double the size of the pepperoni. Place 1-2 slices of pepperoni in the middle, and bring all four corners together to seal the dough. Spray a pizza pan with the same nonstick spray, and place each pizza bite on it with the sealed side touching the pan.

Individual hand print dessert pizza

My kids have always enjoyed seeing their hand prints in pizza dough. Most kids like making hand prints, so this is an extra special dessert that children will enjoy making and eating. Let your child roll enough pizza dough for an individual pizza in the shape of a ball. Next, have them press the ball to create the crust, making sure it is thick enough to put their hand print in the center. The hand print will serve as the holding spot for the melted butter, as well as the cinnamon and light brown sugar mixture. Help your child place their mini dessert in the oven. Last but not least, eat and enjoy.

All of the pizza dough creations will be baked at 450 degrees until lightly browned. Pre-baking the dough is not necessary when making pretzels, pepperoni bites or hand print dessert pizzas. Let your child wear an apron while baking, so they feel like a real chef.

Bon Appétit!

More by Rebecca Bardelli:

Five Variations of the Peanut Butter Sandwich that Kids Will Love

Immune-Boosting Foods to Prevent Kids from Getting Sick

Have a Toddler/Preschool Activity in a Bag Swap

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