Categories: Movies

The Top Ten Best Al Pacino Movies of All Time: Will the Upcoming Release 88 Minutes Make the List?

Al Pacino has been one of the top actors in the movie industry for quite some time. With the new release 88 minutes coming out in theaters, it got us thinking about the best Al Pacino movies of all time. Trying to compile the ten best movies he has been in is a challenge of epic proportions. From every part of his storied past, we have compiled a listing of the ten best. Here are the greatest Al Pacino movies of all time as voted on by my large circle of movie loving friends and associates.

10. Donnie Brasco — This fantastic mafia drama has a wonderful supporting cast including Johnny Depp as well as Pacino. The two work very well together as Depp is an undercover mole planted in Pacino’s crime organization. The two become close, and Pacino shines as he so often does in movies dealing with the mafia. This movie is very underrated.

9. Sea of Love — This was a little known flick that Al Pacino did that actually has a pretty good story. His performance was one of his best as a lonely veteran cop investigating several cases of serial murder. The tension builds as the woman that he begins seeing turns out to possibly be the killer!

8. Scarface — Certainly this was one of Pacino’s biggest hits, and is one of the most popular. To me, and the voters of this poll, it was simply not one of his better acting roles. Certainly Pacino was riveting in this movie, but the distraction of blood and guts can not overcome the great one liners throughout the flick. “Say hello to my little friend!”

7. Any Given Sunday — This should have been a better movie than it was. With an all star cast and Oliver Stone at the controls, I expected this to be a blockbuster of epic proportions. It had its moments, but fell short of this lofty standard on most points. Pacino was a bright spot in this movie, however, and that puts it firmly in the number 7 slot.

6. Dog Day Afternoon — One of Pacino’s earliest flicks, this is also one of his best. If you love Al Pacino, you simply must check out this classic film.

5. Scent of a Woman — This is not one of the typical Pacino roles you might encounter and that is exactly why it is so high on the list. Pacino stretches his acting skills in this great movie, and shows he can do more than shoot guns and be a criminal actor.

4. The Godfather Part III — This historic series of movies tells the story of Michael Corleone and the Family. The ultimate mobster epic series, part three is the weakest of the series. Even still, the story is mesmerizing and impossible to ignore. Pacino is the ultimate crime boss.

3. The Godfather Part I — While certainly the most watched Al Pacino movie of all time, the torch remained with Brando until part 2. Pacino was great in this, but he really did not take over until part 2. It is hard to over shadow Marlon Brando.

2. The Devils Advocate — Without a doubt, Pacino fills the role of Satan better than anyone ever has in this tense thriller. A wonderful movie from start to finish, it will make you squirm throughout.

1. The Godfather Part II — This movie was where Al Pacino became legendary to me. He morphed into the role of Michael Corleone like no actor has ever evolved into a role. To this day when I see him, I see Michael Corleone instead of Al Pacino.

There you have it… The top ten Al Pacino movies of all time. With the new movie 88 minutes coming up soon in theaters, we may just have to amend the list. 88 minutes looks to be an Al Pacino winner from what has been shown and his fans are sure to check it out.


Karla News

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