Categories: Pets

The Red Starfish: For Smaller Fish Tanks

The Red Starfish is a great choice when you are thinking about purchasing a starfish. This starfish stays very small, which is great. You can place this starfish in a smaller fish tank that is over 40 gallons. Most of the other types of starfish will reach over one foot in length and you will need to have a 125 gallon tank to keep them and have plenty of room for the starfish to roam. You will need to have a good open area for the starfish to move around. Sometimes these starfish will not move around during the day, they will stay put and hide. At night, you will see the starfish appear and it will roam around and try to find food. One of the best times to feed the starfish is before you go to bed at night. You will want to make sure that the fish in the aquarium do not eat all of the food.

This starfish, like all other types of starfish, will eat chopped up fish and other types of meats. They will also eat different varieties of flake foods. When you go to the pet store to purchase your Red Starfish you will want to ask them what they are feeding all of their starfish. They will guide you in the direction of where you can purchase fish that you can chop up or different types of clams that you can feed the Red Sea Star. You will definitely not want to just feed the starfish flake food because that will not be enough.

One good thing to remember about the starfish is that you cannot leave it in your fish tank when you are medicating your fish. You will need to remove all of your invertebrates before adding chemicals to your water. If you leave the invertebrates in the tank they will get stressed out and eventually die. You will want to remove some of the water and place them in a smaller aquarium with a heater and a filter system.

To keep this starfish alive you will need to keep the temperature at around 72 to 76 degrees. You will also want to keep the salinity at around 1.022 to 1.026. If you already have fish in your tank and your purchasing your first starfish you will want to make sure that the salinity is okay to add your starfish. You will want to ask the pet store what they keep their salinity and temperature at. You will want to float the bag in the water to get the temperatures at the same level. Then you will want to add a little bit of water from your fish tank to the bag of water that the Red Sea Star is in. This will slowly change the salinity to what your salinity level is at. This is the best way to add your Red Starfish to your saltwater tank without stressing it out more than it already is.


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