Categories: TRAVEL

The Five Best Beaches Around Los Angeles

Los Angeles, the city of lost angels, is a place that has a lot of beaches; these are the ones that I think are the best, the top five beaches, for you to go to, if you want to experience sun and surf and relaxation.

Seal Beach is in an isolated setting, and people will leave you alone. This beach is near the Marine Corps and Navy Base; this is probably why you will find the most serious and hottest guys, if you are looking for a serious relationship, here. If you want peace, quiet, and relaxation time, and don’t mind the occasional helicopter overhead, or wearing bathing shorts and a tank top or bodysuit while sunbathing, this is the place to go.

Newport Beach and Balboa Island for the best scenery, the mellow waves just a little bit away from the Pacific Ocean, and the best beach-combing. There is a really cool park complex on Balboa Island, a great place to hang out, the Spanish-style architecture is fabulous, the people are friendly, if you are low key. People actually like having someone walk the beach with a large plastic bag and a few shopping bags in this town, looking for bottles and trash, considering it to be volunteer work. There are unique and interesting shops around Newport Beach, that are great places to go around noon, for an siesta time, if you have a dollar or two to spend. This is a thriving artist’s and artisan’s community. The water is beautiful, even on a cloudy day, and the landscaping done by the paid park workers is fabulous, featuring native plants. There are boat rentals, too. Take your surfboard along, and get some free surfing tips. Go play volleyball, Frisbee, and be mellow – you will have as much fun as you can afford to have, in other words, bring cash.

Malibu Beach – everybody goes there, everybody knows where, and the chicks are there in abundance, and the booze is even more flowing than the chicks are. If you want to party, this is the place to go to. This is “Beach Blanket Babylon”, the sort of place the West Coast off-off-Broadway play describes, it is a great place to go with friends to be someone. The crowd that goes there during the day is a little bit different, mainly families and tourists, and everyone respects this. Malibu Laguna State Beach is the one I am talking about, however Dan Blocker State Beach is nice, although a little bit more sedate, and a little more local. I like Malibu Laguna State Beach better, however, if you miss the turnoff, and find yourself almost at or at Dan Blocker State Beach, you’ll be alright.

Huntington Beach, for the best nightclub area, and the best bus stop area (the buses go into the parking lot) going south from Long Beach through Orange County towards Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano. Bring your body board on the bus, nobody really minds it, it’s all good – the surf is usually a bit wilder than at Newport Beach, why the surf is like this, I don’t know. There are two beaches here, both of which I think are excellent places to go to get away for a morning or a late afternoon, or an early evening of relaxation.

Huntington State Beach (Beach Blvd.) – this is the beach near the shopping area that I think is the safest if you are planning to be at the beach all day and into the night.

Bolsa Chica – the beach where the surfers go, the body boarders go, the scuba divers go, the bus goes right into the parking lot on Route 1, which is great if you have a vehicle, and want to go someplace for lunch by way of talking the bus along Route 1 – This is the more upscale beach with more opportunities to meet people who want to share their know-how about surfing with you.


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