Categories: LIFESTYLE

The Problem of Animal Cruelty

The problem of animal cruelty is a problem that makes me sad. I really do not know how people can hurt animals because animals are so naïve and innocent.

I could never hurt an animal myself because animals just seem so incapable of doing harm to anyone, except in defense of their own lives or groups in which they live, be it family or not.

It just seems that many people do not think of animals as living creatures. Instead, they view animals as objects or property and think that they can enslave, mistreat, or kill them without hesitation. Some people can just kill animals without hesitation or thought and feel no remorse afterwards.

One thing that really is scary is that some people, who do not object to animal cruelty, are really good people otherwise. They did not hurt other people and belief that it is a crime for others to have people. They do not like wars because of the bloodshed. For all intents and purposes, these people are good people with good morals. These people scare me because, while they are good people otherwise, they do not consider animals to be living creatures with feelings or emotions. It is scary to see such cruelty in the face of people who are good otherwise.

In my opinion, animals are living creatures like people and deserve the same respect and protection. Animals are like little children, and that they are innocent and naïve creatures, who cannot make many decisions for themselves and do not hate anyone. They cannot defend themselves in the face of cruelty and often times they do not know that people when they come into contact with them.

It is like protecting our children from human predators because our children do not have enough experience to recognize them yet. Animals are just like children because they are, often times, to trusting of other individuals and therefore should have the protection of humans.

How can you look into the face of a cat, dog, dolphin, bear cub, or any animal like that, and hurt them? The only way it is possible is if we have no emotion towards them, like a serial killer sociopath, who can kill people without an ounce of feeling. If you have a feeling toward something or someone, then you do not see them as a living creature and have no problem killing them without remorse. It would be like this breaking an object in your house and not worry about it.

Whenever I look into the face of an animal, I feel happy. I could never hurt or kill an animal but, apparently, many people can.

I can understand hunting animals for food but even that can be done in a humane way. What really bugs me are people, who do not need to hunt animals for food nor money for animal pelts or such, that hurt or kill animals for no reason or benefit.

Look at the football player, Michael Vick, who was a millionaire, yet he had dog fighting taking place at his houses. Why did he have to have dog fighting? He obviously did not need to gamble to make money because he was already rich playing football. It just makes no sense. He obviously has no feelings about the animals that were killed.

Another problem that bugs me is pet owners that own pets for a short or long duration of time, grow close to their pet, and then, without any worse or feeling, move away and just leave their pets there. Sometimes, they even leave the animals chained up, thus leaving them to starve to death. How cruel is back?

Just think about this. Think about if you were at the animal. You live with a family for a long time, grow close to them, eat their food, and play with them. Everything seems good to you and then, all of a sudden, the family just packs up and leaves you alone, as if you were a stranger. On top of this betrayal, you are left to starve to death. How would you feel? How lonely would you be? How sad would you be?

Next time you want to leave your pet behind, think about it if you were the animal what would you feel?

Many people feel that animals are not on the same level as humans because they did not take like humans do. Some people even think that animals do not think. How does anybody know what the animals are thinking? Science has not found a way to see how animals think or how to fully communicate with them yet, so no one is in position to say that animals can not think. Even if animals don’t think, which I do not believe, that is still no reason to hurt or kill animals.

Karla News

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