The Many Benefits of Vitamin A

We hear a lot about vitamins, minerals, and all types of herbs that will help us improve our health. There are a lot of promises by companies who want you to buy their beauty products, or their foods. What can you really believe? It’s hard to say, but knowing what each vitamin is capable of will help you decide what is truth and what is hype.

One highly toted vitamin is vitamin A, which is also known as retinal. It is advertised on all sorts of foods and in some beauty products. Vitamin A is considered a fat-soluble vitamin. This means it is stored in your body’s fat cells and liver until used.

If you are concerned about your intake of vitamin A, talk with your doctor. Too much can lead to health problems. The recommended daily allowance of this vitamin is “700 RAE (Retinol Activity Equivalents) per day for women and 900 RAE per day for men” according to Ohio State University’s website.

What It Can Do

Vitamin A taken internally has health benefits for the skin. This vitamin helps to keep your system free from toxins that might otherwise cause damage to your skin. It also helps the skin to retain moisture. It helps your eyes stay moist and helps improve night vision. It also keeps the mucus membranes, like the ones in your nose, moist.

Because vitamin A helps keep the mucus membranes moist, it is a great tool for fighting infection. It can also help boost the power of your white blood cells. This vitamin is also said to help the skeletal system and the reproductive system.

What It Can’t Do

Topically applied creams that boast vitamin A really can’t do anything to improve the quality of your skin. At the very best, they soften the outer skin and help it to retain moisture. Skin health can be helped by getting your recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, but just slopping it on your face isn’t going to do much to the over all condition of your skin.

Where To Get It

Our bodies absorb vitamin A in two different ways. One is through fats and the other is through beta-carotene. Beta-carotene comes in some vegetables and is converted to vitamin A within the body.

Fat sources: beef liver, milk, egg yolk, fish liver oils, cheddar cheese, and other diary products.

Vegetable: dark leafy greens, sweet potato, broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, lettuce, kale, pumpkin, squashes, and tomatoes.

When To Avoid It

Though it’s rare, there are some serious problems that can come with taking too much vitamin A. If you have a diet high in beta-carotene, talk with your doctor before taking supplements. Symptoms of too much vitamin A intake may include weight loss, dry and cracked nails and skin, bleeding gums, nausea, and tiredness.

Too much vitamin A can also cause nausea and sometimes, blurred vision. In severe cases it can lead to hair loss, enlarged liver and spleen. During pregnancy, too much vitamin A can cause birth defects, so discuss your diet and any supplements with a doctor if you are pregnant or trying to conceive.

Wrap Up

Vitamin A is very good for your system and can help you fight off infections. Slathering it on your face may not help the health of your skin, but getting enough in your diet will. If you are thinking of adjusting the amounts of vitamin A in your diet, it might be wise to discuss it with your doctor.

Karla News

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