The Extraordinary Health Benefits of the Pumpkin and Its Seeds

You may be surprised to learn that the pumpkin is a fruit. It is a member of the cucurbita species, which includes squash, cucumbers and melons. Indeed, it is an exceedingly healthful fruit that contains a multitude of nutrients known to improve overall health and protect against a wide range of diseases. What follows is a discussion of the health benefits of the pumpkin and its seeds.

Beta-carotene is the compound that gives the pumpkin its characteristic orange color, and it also happens to be one of its most powerful nutrients. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, an essential vitamin that promotes healthy vision, bone development, and a strong immune system. In addition, it is believed that beta-carotene may slow down the aging process, promote healthy skin, and protect against respiratory infections.

Beta-carotene is also a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the cells against free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules which are produced when the body burns calories and from environmental factors such as cigarette smoke and pollution. It is believed that free radicals play a role in cancer and heart disease; thus, eating pumpkins and other foods rich in beta-carotene may offer protection against these diseases.

In addition to beta-carotene, pumpkins are an excellent source of the following substances: vitamins C, K, and E; fiber; magnesium; potassium; iron and calcium. These are all essential nutrients that promote excellent overall health and well-being.

Pumpkin Seeds

The health benefits of pumpkin seeds alone are a testament to how lavishly abundant the pumpkin is in health-producing substances. For pumpkin seeds are considered to be one of the richest vegetarian sources of the mineral zinc, and the importance of zinc to human health cannot be overstated. Here is a list of the many serious health conditions associated with a zinc deficiency:

1. Prostate problems
2. Fatigue
3. Loss of appetite
4. Hair loss
5. Skin problems
6. Poor night vision
7. Decreased sense of taste and smell
8. Sleep deprivation
9. Diarrhea

In addition to zinc, pumpkin seeds are an outstanding source of protein, iron and copper. Given how nutritious they are, you might want to think twice about tossing out those seeds at your next pumpkin carving party! Pumpkin seeds are excellent toasted or roasted in the oven. The shells are edible, by the way, and are an excellent source of fiber. You also have the option, of course, of buying a bag of commercially prepared pumpkin seeds; they make an excellent and convenient snack.

To be sure, the pumpkin is much, much more than a holiday decoration and pumpkin pie. It is one of nature’s most nutritious foods. It also happens to be a very versatile food that lends itself well to a variety of savory main dishes as well as delectable desserts. A search on the web will give you an endless supply of recipes in which to expand and maximize your enjoyment of this remarkable food. Enjoy!

Karla News

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