Categories: Opinion and Editorial

The Effect of Human Population Growth on a Dying World

COMMENTARY| Think about it. All the problems we’re facing in the world today could be solved or lessened with population control. Isn’t it strange that humans will glean the population of other animals but refuse to recognize the human population growth problem? When will we wake up and realize that other creatures are not the problem. We’re the problem. We’re crowding every living species out of their natural habitat.

I’m not suggesting that we start culling people

It would also be quite extreme to enact legislation that would take away freedom of choice in having children. What I’m saying is that people need to start thinking about how human population growth is wreaking havoc on the world and act accordingly. Every problem the world is facing today can be solved or bettered through population control. If you disagree, just think about the impact human population growth has on any current problem.

Human population growth causes orphans.

Is it really a responsible choice to undergo fertility treatments when there are so many unwanted children waiting to be adopted? Do you really need the multiple children this could produce? Is it really a good idea to go ahead with multiple births when so many children need parents? Why not adopt instead of adding to the world’s population?

Let’s talk about population growth and chemical pollutants.

This is a pretty clear cut subject. Less people means less demand, less usage and therefore less waste. With production cut down due to decreased supply and demand, factories would be spewing out less pollution. The world would be a cleaner place. The world would have a little more time for natural self renewal. The world is capable of healing itself up to a point. We’ve gone beyond that point due in part to population growth.

How about that global warming?

What about cars and transportation in general? Pollutants created by the transportation industry have reached an all time high. Why is this? Coming in before selfishness and laziness, population growth is once again the biggest factor. Less people, less cars, less supply transport, less fumes, less global warming. Yes, we are working on vehicles that cause less impact but they still use electricity, which also contributes to global warming.

The housing crisis could certainly use a little help.

How does population growth effect housing? Pretty simple stuff once again. With less people there would be a place for everyone to live. Housing prices would stop skyrocketing as demand decreases. If our population continues to grow the way it is we’ll all be living in skyscrapers soon. There will be no private homes because there are too many people to make that practical.

Population growth creates a lot of garbage.

Where are we going to put it? Reduce, reuse, recycle only goes so far. With the growth of human population, landfills are bursting with waste. Not only is this unsanitary, it takes away land that could be put to better use. Population control is the best solution. Less people, less trash. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.

Wildlife species are disappearing at an alarming rate due to human population growth.

Human beings and their selfish needs are the direct cause of this problem. Human population growth is crowding animal and plant life out of existence. Entire ecosystems are disappearing due to the imbalance created by human population growth, combined with our insatiable appetite and over-breeding animals for food.

Innocent animals wander into our towns and cities.

They’ve been displaced by human population growth. Our response is to put them to death. Is this really a solution or does it just worsen the problem? When will we realize that human population growth is causing the blatant destruction of every other living species? Plants, insects and animals transported by travelers are also destroying ecosystems.

When I think of the world in a few years without population control, I just shudder.

Sure, we are making strong progress in other areas that will have a positive impact on the problems of the world. Unfortunately, overcrowding and human population growth is having the biggest impact of anything we do. If human population growth is not addressed at all, there is really no point to all these other measures.

Yes, a person should have a choice whether to have children or not.

They shouldn’t abuse that choice by bringing multiple children into a world that’s already overpopulated. This is not responsible parenthood. It isn’t even logical. It isn’t loving. In fact it’s downright heartless. Population growth is taking away the right of future generations to live a quality lifestyle. Let’s stop it before it is too late.

How do we cut down on population growth?

Stick to one or two natural children. Adopt if you can’t have children of your own or want more. Stop this nonsense of trying until you get the right sex of baby. Use birth control responsibly. Remain monogamous and committed. No one needs to take on the responsibility of keeping the family name going. My Mom would say, “Use that head for something besides a hat rack.” Act responsibly and future generations may not have a population growth problem to worry about.

More from Jaipi:

Human Population Control Vs Animal Population Control

Global Warming: Too Many Studies, Too Little Action

Bringing Children into a World of Confusion and Uncertainty



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