Categories: Movies

The Best TV Blooper Videos

Live television keeps us up-to-date on the latest in news and events around the globe. It has definite benefits, but some of the funniest bloopers come to us from live TV broadcasts. Live TV must be hard to do, because once you have goofed there is nothing you can do about it.

Here are ten of the funniest television blooper videos I’ve seen.

The first is a collection of TV mistakes from youtube. Most of these unexpected moments take place on the News, where we expect to see the most composed, professional persona. Newscasters are human, too, and they have their share of mishaps. Let’s watch.

My favorite is the guy in the stadium who slips on the ice. He is so composed, then drops out of the blue. The shots of disinterested news anchors is also very telling. Wouldn’t you say?

The next is a super short clip. It is a Japanese news reporter. She gets up close and personal with a Judo fighter. She gets aggressive with her job, but I’m not sure it paid the dividends she expected. Watch it now. It amazes me how quickly she jumped to her feet and regained her composer. I think I would have rolled over in embarrassment and not faced the camera again.

The next piece is a fake blooper, but it is so funny, I had to include it. The clip starts with a British reporter in Iraq, interviewing insurgents. The fake insurgent gets very upset when subtitles are added to his commentary. The war is a sensitive issue, but a good sense of humor can’t hurt anyone. Here’s your laughs, once again compliments of

Here’s one from Serbian television. A news anchor faints, and the sets starts falling down around them. One anchor looks bewildered, but sits back down. The other female anchor stares straight ahead as if nothing has happened. Wow, she is either well-trained, or heartless. Take a look at this short clip.

MADtv is known for their wacky comedy, sight gags, and skits. They also have their blooper moments. FOX and MADtv have shared this hilarious out-take. In this particular shot, a special guest shows up with some unscripted parts. The cast and crew break up with laughter, while the guest continues to root around the stage. Enjoy “Pigs Will Be Pigs.” Sometimes things never go as they’ve been rehearsed.

The next video newsreel is one of my favorites. A reporter is reporting on flooding in the Northeast. Supposedly, the flood waters are so high she is having to report from a small boat. She is even paddling her way through the flood waters, a dramatic twist for viewers. Wait until you see her get busted. I’m not even sure she realizes it, but you will. Watch the news clip.

Cafferty of CNN news also makes a humorous faux pas. The question he asks has to be one of the most idiotic of all time in news reporting history. At the very least, he made himself look dumb. I’m actually embarrassed for him, but not too embarrassed to share the video. It’s short, so listen carefully.

Televised game shows also have their share of bloopers. One of my favorite TV game shows is Family Feud. In this video, I’m not sure whether this lady is senile, or nervous. I don’t know how Richard Dawson kept a straight face. He wanted to laugh, but he demonstrated self-control and patience. This is a great moment in Feud history. Watch and enjoy “The Tires Lady.”

“Family Feud Bad Answers” is another fun feature. This is competition in the fast money round. The second player went brain dead. This may be the worst fast money round in Family Feud history. Richard Dawson isn’t nearly as easy on this poor fellow as he was on the tire lady. Thanks to the Gameshow network, we get to see these fun shows again and again.

I’ll round out the list with sports bloopers. Sports lends itself to accidents, and we all know that accidents make some of the best bloopers. Enjoy this eclectic mix of sports bloopers on youtube video.

Enjoy the blooper videos. These links may lead you to find some of your own favorites. Don’t forget to save them, or bookmark them to share with your friends.


Karla News

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