Categories: Parenting

The Best First Birthday Gifts

A child’s first birthday is a unique and special event to celebrate, especially for the parents. However, it can be difficult to come up with great ideas for a first birthday gift for that special little baby who is quickly growing into a toddler. He or she may seem to be getting a bit old for the infant toys, yet not quite ready for a lot of the toddler gifts. Here are some ideas to get you started with brainstorming to find that perfect present for the special one-year-old in your life.

Pushing and pulling toys are ideal for this age, whether your baby is walking yet or not. Miniature lawn mowers, shopping carts, and doll strollers are traditional push toys that toddlers love because they mimic items mom and dad use. You can find some very cute wooden pull toys shaped like animals. Crawlers can still enjoy some of these gifts by playing on the floor with them, and they might even encourage walking.

Blocks, balls, and stacking toys are other good ideas for first birthday gifts. These things encourage coordination and motor skills in toddlers. They are versatile and will grow with your child. For example, a younger baby can be fascinated by simply picking up a ball, then they can roll it back and forth with someone on the floor, and finally they will learn to throw. Many one-year-olds absolutely love a container filled with items that they can empty and fill back up over and over. Look for toys like this that encourage your child’s natural wonder and inclinations.

Another suggestion for first birthday gifts is bath toys. A set of cups can keep your toddler entertained while pouring and splashing water in the tub. You can buy terry bath mitts shaped like animals to make washing more fun. There are even waterproof books that are great for bath time.

Many of these ideas for presents are simple and traditional, but there is a reason why they have stood the test of time. It isn’t necessary for a toy to light up and make loud noises for it to be entertaining and educational. Good books for story time and a nice wagon to take on walks are other traditional items that make perfect first birthday gifts. Your child will be able to enjoy them for a long time.

Also, it’s perfectly fine to purchase a first birthday gift that your baby will need to grow into. The next six months will go by just as quickly as the last six did, and you will be pulling those 18-month toys out of the closet before you know it. Many parents opt to buy necessities such as clothing for their baby’s first birthday present. After all, the little one won’t remember, and there will probably an abundance of toys and fun things from friends and family, anyway-which brings up another point. There is nothing wrong with waiting to see what everyone else has picked out for your baby’s first birthday gifts before you buy something. A couple of weeks after the party, you will have a much better idea of what, if anything, is “missing.” If there are plenty of playthings in the house, you might opt for a more special heirloom type of present.

Karla News

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