Categories: Diseases & Conditions

The Best Books I’ve Found About Ulcerative Colitis

Since learning of my ulcerative colitis diagnosis, I’ve lined two shelves on my office bookcase with volumes that deal with UC, IBD and other gastrointestinal issues. Many of the ulcerative colitis books I’ve read contain excellent pieces of advice for sufferers, while others simply repeat the same information you can find on the Internet. If you’ve been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, following are some of the best books on the subject.

1- What to Eat with IBD: A Comprehensive Nutrition and Recipe Guide for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis by Tracie M Dalessandro

The best ulcerative colitis books are those written by people who are both victims and physicians, which is the case with What to Eat with IBD. Diet is a serious concern for people who suffer from UC, and this book gives not only recipes that won’t hurt your stomach, but also tips and tricks to keep your diet IBD-friendly. The information found within its pages matches what I’ve learned elsewhere, and has proven enormously helpful in my own dietary decisions.

2- Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Jill Sklar

Although I normally don’t like guides that read like a textbook, this is one of the best ulcerative colitis books to use as a reference as you’re adjusting to your diagnosis. The latest edition (which I just purchased last year) was published in 2007, which makes it an up-to-date guide to treatment options, grieving, living with UC and communicating with your doctor. I also like the lack of medical jargon and easy-to-skim presentation.

3- 100 Questions & Answers About Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis by Andrew Warner and Amy Barto

This is perhaps one of my most well-worn ulcerative colitis books, and I frequently refer to it when I can’t remember something I once learned. Organized like a Q&A;, the subject matter is handily cross-referenced in the back, and you can find useful tidbits of information that you might not find elsewhere. A collaborative attempt, both authors work with IBD patients on a daily basis and write with a no-nonsense yet approachable style.

4- Colitis & Me: A Story of Recovery by Raman Prasad

A personal memoir, Colitis & Me takes the reader through a grueling seven-year journey during which the author, Raman Prasad, encountered many of the obstacles and issues faced by others with ulcerative colitis. Books that are full of textbook knowledge certainly remain helpful, but sometimes it’s easier to slip into a personal story where you can find some common ground.

5- Why Doesn’t My Doctor Know This? By David Dahlman

Many UC sufferers look to holistic medicine in search of a more attractive option in dealing with their illness, and this is one of the best ulcerative colitis books taken from that approach. Dahlman covers quite a bit of material, sometimes sacrificing detail and explanation, but all in all he produces a great read. It addresses the entire digestive system, and how it works with other bodily functions, to help patients treat the core of the problem rather than the symptoms.

All of these ulcerative colitis books are worth checking out at your local library, and you might even want to buy a few to keep as handy references. Just remember, however, that no book can substitute for the advice of a medical professional, so use these volumes as supplements to treatment rather than substitutions.


Karla News

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