Categories: LIFESTYLE

Ten Weird Posts on Craigslist.Org

I just love Craigslist. DON’T JUDGE ME! It’s actually a pretty fun place in a trashy, guilty pleasure kind of way. There’s always something interesting to read. You have your personal ads seeking everything imaginable in the world of love and sex. You have the rant and ravers who complain about or compliment all topics from religion and politics to the direction the wind is blowing on a given day. Then you have the people who will sell just about anything to make a few bucks. You never know what surprises are in store for you on Craigslist. That said, some of these listings can be incredibly entertaining, though a bit strange. Here are ten recent postings from the Best of Craigslist that I found pretty weird.

1. Need to Get Pregnant Fast by Clean Educated Man (Fayetteville, AR) This person was pretty good about summarizing the topic in the title. I guess she wants to find a man who looks similar to her husband with whom she’d conceive a child because she doesn’t believe her husband can have kids but doesn’t want to tell him. Anyway, if any of you reading this are light skinned men with light blonde, brown or red hair and are interested in taking her up on her offer, be prepared. She insists you send nude pics first. You can check out the original ad here, but she only has a limited time, so hurry!

2. Wanted: DEAD Ringneck Dove (Montana) Okay, so this guy isn’t a dead bird collector or anything like that. He just has a noisy old dove that won’t die. His wife said she’s keeping it until it’s dead, so he’s hoping someone will trade a dove body for his live dove so his wife thinks their bird died of natural causes. Don’t believe this? Click here to see for yourself.

3. Found: Horse Poop (Portland) I think this was just a clever way of voicing the poster’s annoyance in the fact that some horseback rider left poop where people walk. Still, it was a funny headline. Here is the ad if you want to look.

4. Shrunken Pet Head Amulet (Anchorage) I think this may be an actual advertisement of a service, but I hope it’s just a joke. Anyway, the poster will shrink your pet’s head to a size convenient to wear around your neck for just $100. If you don’t have that kind of cash, trades are considered. Click here to find out more. You know you want to.

5. Free to a Good Home (Anchorage) Another Anchorage listing, this one asks readers “have you ever wondered how your life would be with a hateful, cantankerous, rude, hypocritical, opinionated, obnoxious, obese, angry, hairy, verbally abusive, and co-dependent Grandfather that you’re not related to?” Yes, they are trying to give away an unpleasant old man. If interested, please see the ad here.

6. Porn Laptop (Seattle) The laptop is old, doesn’t run fast, has several viruses and spyware, isn’t good for music or video editing, but it does have a plus side. It works perfectly for porn and has around 200 of the original owner’s favorite porn sites bookmarked to Firefox. So if you’re looking for a laptop for the sole purpose of viewing porn, here is the ad for you.

7. Duck Egg That My Cat Brought Home (New Orleans) The cat brought home two eggs, but one cracked. I guess the poster didn’t want to waste the remaining egg, so he or she posted to Craigslist to see if anyone wanted to hatch it. If you’re looking for a spare duck egg to hatch, click here.

8. Imaginary Friend for LIFE (Spokane) It isn’t easy being Bigfoot. The dating scene is rather difficult, so he’s trying his hand online. Like all of us, he has both his redeeming and awful qualities. If you’re interested in a sad and lonely alpha male silverback who’d like a small litter of children someday, here is your man.

9. Seeking Menstruating Short-Term Friend (San Diego) A girl’s period is off and she wants to get it back on track. She’s hoping that the pheromones of another menstruating female will get the flow going. The payment? As much Haggen Das as it takes to get through the heat. Want to help? Click here.

10. Astronaut Needed (Calgary) A private rocket scientist is seeking an astronaut for an experimental flight to Titan, a moon of Saturn. The problem is there is only enough fuel to get to the destination, not to return, so interested applicants must be seeking “a shot at romantic history.” You know you’re jumping at the bit to reply to this one, so click here to see if you meet the requirements.

See why I love Craigslist? I never get stuff like this on Twitter or Facebook. For some of the strangest posts on the Net, Craigslist is where it’s at!

Karla News

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