Categories: LIFESTYLE

Teardrop Trailer Camping

There’s a fun and economical way to enjoy the great outdoors and still be on the “green” side too. It’s called “teardrop trailer camping” and it is coming back into style after many years of being mostly just history. The “teardrop” name comes from the shape of these little campers. Most are shaped close to the shape of a classic water drop. Teardrop trailers are lightweight and come in all sizes from very tiny to 8 to 10 feet long and usually 4 to 5 feet wide. They usually sleep 2 adults though some small families can get a kid or 2 in there too. They have 2 wheels and can be pulled by just about any size vehicle which makes them a lot greener in terms of fuel use than some huge, heavy campers or motor homes. The back hatch usually opens up to a little galley kitchen for cooking, storage and maybe an icebox.

Teardrop trailers became popular in the 30’s when they were built on a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood. The aluminum sheeting on the outside was frequently war surplus material. In the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s these little trailers could be seen in campsites all across the country and other parts of the world. People from all walks of life were able to own them since they were mostly home built back then. Now many more people can afford them because they cost a fraction of what full sized campers usually cost.

If you decide to get into the teardrop camping scene be well aware that the teardrop community is extremely committed to their little trailers. There are teardrop clubs now all around the United States. They have mass camp-outs practically all year long and tend to have a very good time at it. These are truly happy campers. If you’re out camping solo and pull into a crowded camp ground be ready for some attention. It seems as if everyone who sees a teardrop wants to come over and ask questions about it. In the world of RV’s the teardrop is certainly the “puppy” of campers in terms of cuteness and attention getting!

Another good thing about tear-dropping is the fact that you really spend more time outside than inside. You can lie down inside and enjoy a good book but most of the time teardrop owners are out in the fresh air enjoying nature. Tear-droppers also tend to have a lot of fun outdoor gear like artificial lawns and creative strings of lights. There is an atmosphere of “festivity” whenever a group of teardrops camp together.

The galley section in the back of these trailers can be the most fun in terms of creativity. There are all kinds of slide out stoves and coolers. You can use many of the designs and inventions from the boating world. Boat galley sinks and marine barbeques are quite often used in teardrops. Since the inside cabin is so small, heat is rarely if ever needed. The heat from one or two people huddled under comforters really keeps the trailer cozy and warm. Little DVD players at night with drink holders on the cabin walls make for a pleasant and secure outdoor retreat.

Whatever your outdoor pleasure is, be it fishing, hunting or just plain camping, teardrop trailers can certainly offer a fun and frugal outdoor lifestyle. Please check these urls out for more information!

Karla News

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