Tea is a Natural Immune System Booster

As winter time approaches and the concerns over the H1N1 virus become more prevalent everyone is looking for ways to naturally boost their immune systems so they stand a better chance of not contracting virus’s and bacterial infections. Tea has long been believed to boost the immune system. It appears that tea contains alkylamines. Germs also contain alkylamines. So when you drink tea your T cells begin to recognize alkylamines better and this gives them a primer to also recognize and destroy germs.

A leading scientific study was done recently where participants drank five to six glasses of Lipton tea per day. These test study people drank tea every day for two to four weeks. At the end of that time period immune cells were harvested from them and they were also harvested from non tea drinkers. These immune cells were exposed to germs. The non tea drinkers immune cells did not appear to recognize the germ cells but the tea drinker immune cells went into action on a seek and destroy mission to eradicate the germs.

More studies are still be conducted because many scientists believe that tea drinking might go even further in helping the immune system fight certain types of cancers.

Alkylamines are not just found in tea. They are also in mushrooms, wine, and apples. It makes you wonder if the old saying “An apple a day will keep the doctor away,” might be based off the alkylamines immune boosting abilities.

Here are five varieties of tea to help your immune system.

1) Lipton Tea

The tea used in the scientific studies to boost the immune system was plain old Lipton black tea. This tea can be bought at virtually any supermarket or you can buy it online.

On the official Lipton tea site they talk indepth about how their tea’s can boost the immune system. Lipton also sells Green Tea which is also an antioxidant and has been shown in studies around the world to help the immune system and, perhaps, even prevent cancer.

2) Blue Sage Tea Company

This tea is made from mint sage is shepherd’s tea from the Dodecanese Islands. It is caffeine free. Sage tea has been used for thousands of years to boost the immune system.

3) Vita Springs Sage Tea Company

This all natural sage tea has also been used for thousands of years. Native Americans prized it for many medicinal uses and they also believed it boosted the bodies ability to fight off infections.

This company sells 24 bags of their all natural tea for only $4.40 per box.

4) Ojibwa Tea Of Life

This tea contains Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Turkey Rhubarb and Slippery Elm. They will also add additional ingredients at your request. These herbs have been used by Native Americans for centuries. They believe in the healing properties and that these herbs boost your ability to fight infections and disease.

5) Local Harvest Immune Boosting Tea

This tea is suppose to help boost the immune system natural with a combination of Echinacea, Astragulus, Calendula, Milk Thistle, Pau D’arco, Wild Yam, Gotu Kola, and Licorice Root. It is all natural and organic.

The price of this tea is seven tea bags for $7.50. Each bag is hand made at the time of order.


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