Burdock Root

Essiac Tea Used for Cancer Fighting Properties

Essiac tea is an herbal tea mixture that is rapidly growing in popularity among cancer patients. It isn't a cure…

1 month ago

Herbs for Healthy Skin

Skin is our protective layer against the barrages of the outside world, and we need to take care of it.…

2 months ago

Edible Roots You Can Find at Your Local Organic Food Store

During the past year, my husband and I have been on a healthy eating binge. As such, we have ventured…

3 months ago

The Best Herbs for Oily Skin

Oily skin is one of the most common skin complaints. On the positive side this skin type is not as…

4 months ago

Essiac Herbal Tea: The Cancer Fighting, Body-Purifying Herbal Tea

Herbal remedies have been utilized for thousands of years. The seemingly mystical healing properties of various herbs have supposedly helped…

2 years ago

Vitamins that Treat Acne

In Naturopathic medicine, the belief is that acne is caused by imbalances within the body. These imbalances can be mental,…

3 years ago

The Health Benefits of Burdock

When you hear the word Burdock, most people think of that horrible weed with seed heads, called Cocklebur, that stick…

3 years ago

Tea is a Natural Immune System Booster

As winter time approaches and the concerns over the H1N1 virus become more prevalent everyone is looking for ways to…

3 years ago

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