Categories: Parenting

Taking Charge of Your Fertility Method

Planning a family is an important choice to make which requires great responsibility and unselfish love. You’ve heard of women that have no problem conceiving children and those that run into some difficulty. There are those that practice natural methods of conceiving. If these methods are not successful, the couples turn to their doctors for further assistance.

The TCOYF method or “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” Method was introduced by Toni Weschler, MPH. I read her book after some concerns with my cycle as I was going on two – three months on just one cycle! After reading the book and putting it into practice, I learned the “hows” and “why’s” women receive their menses. Embarrassing to say, I wasn’t knowledgeable of the reason why cycles existed and I’m sure many females are unaware. The TCOYF method may be used at home and while traveling. All that is required is a basal body thermometer, TCOYF chart and a pen or pencil.

I had to read the book a few times because there were points I wanted to remember. Some of these points were about cervical mucus, length of the cervix and how to determine the coverline. Next point was how to determine when ovulation began and when it ended. This coincides with determining the coverline. After putting this into practice as I still continue to this day, I’ve realized that simple events such as airplane trips, stress, exercise and especially child birth can potentially alter the length of your cycles. Cycles may eventually become constant as long as your patient. It may take a few months, half a year to even a year or more. The “year or more” part is probably a bit discerning to couples trying to conceive.

Place the thermometer at your bedside before you go to sleep. At approximately the same time every morning, before you go to the restroom or get out of bed, take your temperature. After the beep, shut it off and you can continue to sleep. When you get out bed, the temperature should be saved in the memory of the thermometer. Write them temp on your TCOYF chart. A cycle is the beginning of your menses up to the day before your menses. The first day of the next menses is the first day of the next cycle. Continue to chart every day, course if you miss a day, that’s ok. If you happen to sleep in, still record the temperature, but add the time the temp was taken. Taking a temperature in the morning will become a habit and just second nature when your alarm goes off.

Determining your coverline with the first charted cycle might be difficult, but with the second cycle you may notice a pattern. The day your temperature dips below the coverline, happens to be the day you get your menses…and on to charting the next cycle. If your temperature doesn’t dip below the coverline…it’s a pretty good indication that you may be pregnant. Eighteen high temperatures plus a pregnancy test usually can confirm this. It can also help if you were indeed pregnant and suffered a miscarriage as some miscarriages can be mistaken for menses.

Another thing to note is the cervical mucus . These observations may be noted on the chart as well. If you want to go a step further, check the softness and length of your cervix. The various types of mucus and the length of the cervix are additional indicators of when a woman is about to ovulate.

Charting is also a great way to find out if your cycles are abnormal. It can help determine if you may have low progesterone levels, PCOS or if something is truly wrong with your body. It can also compliment medical treatment such as that with Clomid or Prometrium.

If been practicing the TCOYF method for over a year with no results in pregnancy, it would be wise to meet with an OBGYN. He or she may suggest blood tests and perform an ultrasound to confirm if things are normal or abnormal. Also the “fault” necessarily doesn’t always lie with the female. The male partner may need to be checked as well. Further treatment may be required…or just simple patience and suggested improvement in your lifestyles.


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