Sports Drinks

Skater’s Guide to Making Homemade Sports Drinks

As a skater you probably already realize the importance of staying hydrated. Many skaters opt to use store bought isotonic,…

2 months ago

Dental Enamel Erosion: The Hidden Mouth Problem

You may have a problem in your mouth that you're not even aware of. Eroding enamel is a dental problem…

3 months ago

Comparing the Best in Sports Drinks

Walk down any grocery aisle and you will find the shelves packed with dozens of options in sport drinks. Years…

4 months ago

Pros and Cons of Consuming Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are beverages that contain high amounts of carbohydrates and vitamins to help the body replenish the fluids and…

5 months ago

My Favorite Low Calorie Sports Drinks

Around 40 years ago, Gatorade was born. Through innovative marketing techniques, such as putting Gatorade jugs and cups with the…

5 months ago

Sports Drinks: The Pros and Cons

First off, there are three types of sports drinks available, which all contain differing levels of fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrates.…

4 years ago

Homemade Remedies for an Upset Stomach

Everyone has experienced a feeling of nausea, and bubbling in their stomach. Many people run to the store and pick…

4 years ago

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