Speech Delays

Autism Communication Delays

Why are the communication delays in Autistic people so noteworthy? Some patients are severely affected, and stay in their own…

2 months ago

Treatment for Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Sensory Integration Dysfunction is becoming increasingly recognizable and diagnosed in children and in their parents. Most people have at least…

2 months ago

Chronic Fluid in the Ear: Chiropractic Treatments May Prevent Speech Delays in Children

Imagine how difficult it would be to learn a foreign language if your hearing was muffled. This is exactly what…

2 months ago

What is an Attached Upper Lip Frenulum in a Baby?

You may have heard of "tongue-tie," or anchored tongue which is when the frenulum under the tongue is abnormal and…

2 years ago

Pregnancy: Buying or Renting a Fetal Doppler for Home Use

It is normal for expectant couples to have concerns about the health of the baby and to be worried. Many…

2 years ago

Tips for Developing Baby’s Speech Patterns

It is normal for parents to worry when their baby's speech patterns seem slow or null when compared to others…

2 years ago

Does Drinking Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?

Anyone who's seen a person who's had "one too many" knows that alcohol affects the brain. Slurred speech, incoordination, and…

3 years ago

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