Renaissance Faires

Renaissance Faires in Maryland

Renaissance Festivals are fantasy events that travel back in time to the medieval era. Lords, ladies, kings, queens, princesses and…

2 weeks ago

Warhorses of the Hanlon-Lees Jousting Company

They were destriers, chargers, coursers. Proud, powerful names for equally mighty horses bred to catapult the armored knight into the…

2 months ago

Renaissance Faires in New England

Late summer and autumn in New England are beautiful times. Renaissance Fairs are pleasant ways to spend a weekend day…

3 months ago

Renaissance Faires in Illinois: August Through October, 2007

Fanciful Renaissance fairies will be bringing the past alive in Illinois in the upcoming months. Come one and all to…

5 months ago

Ambiance Accent Ideas for Your Medieval/ Renaissance Wedding

To give the feel of a medieval wedding in modern times, you don't need to exclude the luxury of silverware.…

6 months ago

Renaissance Faire Fashion: Cleavage and Kilts

Renaissance faires and festivals are famous for the era-specific games, food, store front styles, drama, music and culture. Most notably,…

3 years ago

Gift Ideas for Renaissance Faire Fans

Renaissance Faires are a popular past time for people who are interested the the Medieval era and people who just…

4 years ago

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