
Eli Whitney: The Great American Inventor

Throughout America's history, there have been many intuitive inventors that have manifested various creations. Some inventions never created any waves…

4 weeks ago

Significant Inventions of Ancient Rome

One of the distinguishing characteristics about the Romans was their practical and utilitarian nature. Whereas the Greeks are acknowledged by…

2 months ago

5 Remarkable Inventions from the 1940s

Have you ever thought about the inventions that made an appearance in the 1940s? I have. As such, I made…

2 months ago

How Inventions of Ancient China Helped Advance Modern Civilization

In 2008 the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics featured the four most famous inventions of the ancient Chinese. As…

2 months ago

Change Over Time: The Americas, Africa, and Europe from 1492 to 1750

Ever since King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain commissioned Columbus's voyage to India and the navigator's mistaken geography led…

5 months ago

Top 5 Greatest Military Inventions

Trying to choose five of a plethora of top military inventions is like asking a kid in a candy store…

2 years ago

7 Cool Inventions of 2010

Though most of these products were technically invented a few years ago, inventors spent all this time perfecting them. These…

2 years ago

Amazing Inventions of Ancient India

Most Americans know very little about Ancient Indian inventions. In recent years, many strides have been made in high school…

2 years ago

The Top Ten Greatest Inventions of All Time

You may well ask how on earth one could possibly choose just ten greatest inventions of all time? I have…

2 years ago

Funny Inventions from the Harriet Carter Catalog

I have always been fascinated by the Harriet Carter catalog. They have many funny inventions, worthless items and useful things…

4 years ago

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