Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Funny Inventions from the Harriet Carter Catalog

I have always been fascinated by the Harriet Carter catalog. They have many funny inventions, worthless items and useful things all stuffed together in one book. Here is a list is some of the funny inventions I noticed this time.

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #1- Knork.

It’s a fork that is actually a knife! How many times are you at the dinner table thinking, Gosh, I wish this fork in my hand could actually be a knife instead. I wish I could reach all the way down to the table and pick up my knife. I am just too tired. That would be way too much trouble. Now that they have invented the Knork all of our troubles are over!

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #2- Tater Mitts. The advertised purpose of these gloves is to wash raw potatoes. These gloves have an abrasive scrubbing surface to remove debris off the potato. The ad says if you try to wash potatoes without them you could get nicks, cuts, slippery hands and waste.

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #3- Book Shade. Now you can read without all that light glare! You simply attach this sun shade visor to your book and you can read comfortably. Well, kind of.

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #4- Seat Belt Light. This is a light that attaches onto your seat belt. You can read books and maps in the car thanks to your handy seat belt light. Somehow I never realized I needed this.

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #5- Color Wheel.

This machine looks kind of like a fan. It is not a fan, and has no functional purpose whatsoever. You are supposed to buy it because you can watch the wheel go round and round. I guess I can cancel my cable TV now.

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #6- Vacation in a Box.

This is a 4 1/2 inch desktop vacation getaway! It is a tiny sandbox with a golf, beach or big truck scene. When you are chained to your desk you can pretend you are 1 inch tall in your vacation box.

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #7- Toothpick Holder Man.

Toothpick Holder Man looks a little scary. He is a 5 inch long man laying down like he is dead with about 50 toothpicks stuck in him.

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #8- Panoramic Mirror.

This is 6 lighted mirrors that fold out so that you can look at yourself from all angles at once. The mirror in the middle is magnified. Look at yourself all day!

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #9- Bat Hat.

This black Bat Hat has a 30 inch wing span. You can wear it around the house or wear it when you take out the trash to impress all your neighbors. It is so convincing, everyone will think your actually a bat!

Funny inventions from the Harriet Carter catalog #10- Farting Slippers. These one size fits all slippers break wind with every step that you take!

Karla News

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