Dr. Sears

When Attachment Parenting Isn’t Right: Rebutting Dr. Sears

The recent vogue of attachment parenting was begun largely by Dr. Sears- a pediatrician and author of more than 30…

4 years ago

Baby Acne or Eczema — What’s the Difference?

Newborn babies are especially prone to rashes. Rashes can range from simple baby acne to full-blown eczema or an allergic…

4 years ago

How to Stop Bedwetting in Girls

Bedwetting can quickly escalate from a mild inconvenience to a seemingly major emotional trauma, especially when children are old enough…

4 years ago

Chefs Diet: Chef Prepared Food Delivered to Your Door

Chef prepared food delivered to your door is the dream for most people. Well, Chef's Diet is a service that…

4 years ago

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