Business Attire

Men’s Style Q and A: What Are Chukka Boots?

Chukka shoes are a style of boot very similar to the desert boot worn by British soldiers during World War…

2 months ago

Business Dress Codes: The Modern Woman’s Dilemma

Rummaging through my overflowing closet, I spot my elusive white button-down blouse. Cringe. It has a pink grapefruit juice stain…

3 months ago

Business Clothing Know-How for the International Student

The term 'business clothing' can have a variety of meanings in the American culture. Outside of the businesses requiring uniforms,…

2 years ago

Common Male Business Attire Mistakes

I see a lot of young men -- and some older guys too -- who go through the trouble of…

4 years ago

How to Go Sleeveless at the Office

Summer is upon us. It can be difficult to wear business attire during this season, especially if you need to…

4 years ago

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