Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Common Male Business Attire Mistakes

I see a lot of young men — and some older guys too — who go through the trouble of putting on a suit and tie, but instead of projecting confidence and authority, they look bad because they’re making big, basic mistakes. Remember that you’re not dressing up for yourself; rather, you’re trying to impress an interviewer, present to a room full of coworkers, or at least avoid looking like a clown at a wedding. And for some of them, committing a fashion faux-pas loses you a lot of credibility.

Nothing fancy here. Read this quick guide and you’ll easily avoid the biggest mistakes I notice.

Don’t Button the Bottom Button of Your Jacket
Not if you have two buttons or three buttons. Not ever (unless you’re wearing a one-button jacket for some reason). I know the bottom button is there, but leave it be. If you have a two-button jacket, button the top one. For three buttons, the middle one can be buttoned alone, and the top button can also be buttoned for a more formal look. And generally, you unbutton your jacket when you sit, if you don’t take it off entirely.

Make Sure Your Tie Touches the Top of Your Belt
I’m assuming you know how to tie a tie. Once you’ve got that done, it shouldn’t be dangling around your crotch or sitting halfway down your shirt. The tip of it belongs just over the top of your belt. Yes, this may take more than one attempt to get it right (rule of thumb: the more of a hurry you’re in, the more times you’ll screw it up — now you know), but it’s worth it.

Your Socks Should Match Something
There are differing opinions over whether your socks should match your shoes or your pants. I personally think it’s best to match your pants, and if you want to get fancy, some other colors in your ensemble as well. What you should not wear, under any circumstances, are big white gym socks, or any sucks that might get confused as such. I’ve seen them, and they stand out, badly.

Your Belt Matches Your Shoes
On a similar note, your shoes and your belt should be of the same color. Don’t mix and match here.

If You Don’t Know how to Match Patterns, Don’t Try
It can be tricky matching patterns — you should know that it’s a bad idea to wear patterns that are exactly the same size. So a large stripe could go with a smaller checked pattern. If you’re not sure, it’s perfectly okay to wear a solid colored shirt. It’s better than dizzying onlookers with a poorly-paired stripes-on-stripes ensemble.

That’s It!
Avoid the mistakes above, and you’ll look better than half the men that attempt to put on a suit and tie.


Karla News

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