Ankle Pain

Pain Relief for a Sprained Ankle

When you find yourself with a sprained ankle you might be wondering not only how to fix it, but how…

4 months ago

What is HEM Ankle Rehab?

HEM ankle rehab is not a magic cure-all! If you've sprained your ankle, you're probably looking for something that will…

8 months ago

Broken Ankle Symptoms: Break or a Sprain?

Since the mid 80's, a greater number of emergency room visits are by people with ankle injuries. Many of those…

3 years ago

Why Does My Ankle Hurt?

If your ankle hurts, chances are pretty good that you know why. Most pain is caused by injury. However, not…

4 years ago

Does Wearing High-Heeled Shoes Increase the Risk of Knee Arthritis?

Do you have a closet full of strappy heels that you enjoy wearing to work? Many women slip on heels…

4 years ago

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