Pain Relief for a Sprained Ankle

When you find yourself with a sprained ankle you might be wondering not only how to fix it, but how you can relieve the pain. If you must continue to function as normal with a sprained ankle, pain relief is the number one thought on your mind. You must find pain relief for that sprained ankle, and you must find it fast! The work is done for you, the pain relief is all right here at the tip of your fingers…bye, bye sprained ankle, hello pain relief!

Pain relief for a sprained Ankle: Epsom Salt: The most important factor to remember when you sprain your ankle is that you have got to reduce the swelling and relax the muscle that is around the ankle. Epsom salts have long been used as a pain relief method when it comes to any type of muscle pain or sprain…especially sprained ankles. Fill a bucket or pan with hot water and dissolve about 1 cup of Epsom salts in the water. Then place the foot that has the sprained ankle in the water and allow to soak for thirty minutes. The Epsom salt will help to reduce the swelling of the ankle thus bringing pain relief fast!

Pain Relief for a sprained Ankle: Flush the foot in the Toilet: As disgusting as this sounds, it really does help in the aid of reducing swelling that is associated with a sprained ankle. The circular motion of the water in the toilet along with the pressure and suction will help to draw the swelling almost out of the ankle. Much like relaxing in a hot tub with jets massaging your sore muscles, the swirling motion of the water in the toilet will massage the sprained ankle without actually having to place any pressure on the ankle itself. The pain relief that is felt when the sprained ankle is flushed in the toilet is nearly instant.

Pain Relief for a Sprained Ankle: Hot and Cold Alternations: To ultimately reduce the swelling that causes the severe pain in a sprained ankle, hot and cold soaks should be alternated every thirty minutes for at least the first 4 hours following the injury. Each time the swelling occurs, hot and cold alternations can be used to help reduce the swelling and bring some pain relief. Place the sprained ankle into hot water (as hot as you can without scalding) for 30 minutes and then place immediately into cold water (as cold as you can stand and nearly icy) for 30 minutes. Continue back and forth from hot to cold until the ankle is no longer swollen or for at least 4 hours following the injury.

Pain Relief for a Sprained Ankle: Motrin or an anti-inflammatory: Take Motrin or another anti-inflammatory to reduce the swelling and help aid in the pain relief following a sprained ankle. Follow the directions on the medication and take at least every eight hours for the initial 24 hours following the sprain. This will not only aid in the pain relief thanks to the medication that is in the Motrin, it will also alleviate some of the swelling which is the main culprit for the pain itself.

Follow the steps one by one and the swelling of that sprained ankle should reside within a few hours. Stay off your feet as much as possible as placing pressure on the sprained ankle will only increase the need for pain relief. Try to exercise the ankle as much as you can 24 hours after the injury but do not overexert yourself to the point that you feel increased pain again as this is likely to cause further tissue damage around the ankle. If these pain relief methods do not work on your sprained ankle and the pain does not subside on its own within a few days then you should consult your family doctor for help.

Karla News

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