Categories: Parenting

Symptoms of Jaundice in Babies

Jaundice is generally not a serious problem and is normal in babies. Jaundice is caused by the build up of bilirubin after red blood cells are broken down. If jaundice is left untreated, it can create more serious issues. That is why it is important to know the symptoms in your baby.

The symptoms of jaundice are very noticeable. The color of your baby’s face is usually the first to turn. It will get a yellowish tone to it. It is harder to notice this in babies who have a dark skin tone. The whites of the eyes can also turn yellowish. As time goes on, the yellow appearance of the skin will spread downward towards the chest, arms, abdomen and legs.

If your baby has certain traits it puts him/her at a higher risk for serious jaundice. Doctors will want to keep a closer eye on these babies to make sure it doesn’t get too serious. Jaundice that becomes serious can cause brain damage, cerebral palsy, eye and teeth problems. This usually isn’t the case because jaundice is easily recognizable and treatable.

The high risk factors include: getting jaundice within twenty-four hours of birth, if baby isn’t feeding, wetting or having stools in his/her first few days, bruising at birth, premature babies or is of East-Asian or Mediterranean heritage. Doctors will keep a closer eye on these babies when they become jaundiced to make sure that complications don’t set in. It should not be surprising to you if the doctor decides to keep the baby a day or two longer in the hospital if he/she has become jaundiced.

Treating jaundice isn’t always necessary. It depends on the amount of bilirubin in the baby. If this is the case, the doctor will often suggest that you feed the baby more often rather than doing other treatments.

When the levels of bilirubin get especially high, light therapy will be given to your baby. This is often called Phototherapy and is simple and painless for your infant. The baby is placed under special lights which are often colored white, blue or green. There is also a blanket that is specially made to produce light that can be used. The baby’s eyes are covered to prevent damage. This therapy will last from one to two days. This treatment generally works very well and you will be able to take baby home quite soon. There is an off chance that the treatments won’t work though. In such cases, the baby may need a transfusion.

In general, jaundice is usually not a dangerous problem. It is easily fixed and your baby does not feel any pain. Even though it isn’t normally dangerous in most newborns, it is a good idea to bring it to the attention of health care providers so that treatment can begin if necessary. When it comes to your newborn, you can never be too safe. Watch for the symptoms of jaundice in your baby and everything will be fine.

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