Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Survivor: China’s Predicted Winner and Final Four

Every season of Survivor is fascinating for viewers who enjoy learning about human nature and predicting the reactions of others. Sometimes the people who connive and bully make it to the top, sometimes the people who are straightforward and honest to everyone make it all the way, and sometimes shear strength and ability carry the contestants forward to a million dollars. Survivor: China is no different, and everyone who watches is wondering who will win Survivor this season.

The ultimate Survivor must be someone who can judge people and needs to know how far they can push their manipulations before people resent them for it and won’t vote for them. Honesty and likability go a long way in gaining the votes of the jury when it comes down to the million dollar prize. Survivor is also a game in which great physical ability can gain immunity in the challenges and thus take someone to the final two.

This year, on Survivor: China, I think the final four will be Erik, Amanda, Todd, and James. Peih-gee won’t escape with immunity again, and she’ll be the next to go. Courtney’s refusal to completely play ball with Todd and Amanda will have her kicked out. They think she’s flaky and won’t trust them, so they won’t want her in the final four. James would balk at leaving Denise out of the final four, but Erik will most likely talk Amanda into keeping him, and Denise’s alliances aren’t as strongly formed with Todd and Amanda as they are with James.

James’ two immunity idols will help him hold onto his place in the tribe, but they probably won’t bring him a win. For all his obvious physical strength, it’s surprising that he’s had a lackluster performance during challenges. He’ll most likely make it to final three and maybe will go to final two. Survivor often pivots on an immunity idol when it comes to winning or losing, and he may just have the resources to end up in front of the jury.

Amanda may take James’ place in the final two though. She and Todd have stuck together all along, and she hasn’t yet come under any suspicion or been mentioned as a threat. The immunity challenges will have a lot to do with deciding these final positions, and she’ll have to hope for a challenge that will trip James up. Considering that he hasn’t dominated the challenges in the last few weeks as expected, luck may very well be on her side.

Todd will definitely be one of the final pair, and he’s got a great chance of winning. He probably won’t have J.R.’s vote, but most of the rest of the jury will likely admire the way he’s played the game. He’s generally been straightforward and played fairly, and the votes will reflect this. It will be a much closer vote is he is pitted against Amanda in the final two though. Todd will seem a bit too much like the mastermind to them when compared to Amanda. If she can somehow beat James out of the final two position, Amanda will have a good chance, but the odds are still on Todd to take it all on Survivor: China.

Karla News

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