Categories: Music

Top Songs of the 1950s

In the late 1950’s, rock-n-roll was becoming a main stay on radio. Teenagers were now finding their own music and their own idols. Although the parents and the rest of the grown-up world were worried, the teenagers were finding their own voices. They now had their own soundtrack to their lives. The following is just a sample of that soundtrack.

Number five is “All I Have to do is Dream” by the Everly Brothers. The song was written by husband and wife songwriting team Felice and Boudleaux Bryant and was recorded by the Everly Brothers in 1959. With immaculate harmonies mixed in with the beautiful lyrics and melody, the song was an instant hit. The song actually leaves the listener in a dream like state of true love.

Number four is “You Send Me” by Sam Cooke. Released in 1957. The single was an immediate hit and it established Cooke as a mainstream artist. The song has been credited as helping to start the soul genre. With Cooke’s mesmerizing vocals, the song has become a classic. Although when record executive’s first heard the song they did not think it was a pop song. However when released the kids showed the executive’s what they, themselves, wanted to hear and it was this song.

Number three is “Peggy Sue” by Buddy Holly. Originally called “Cindy Lou”, the song was later renamed “Peggy Sue” for Crickets’ drummer Jerry Allison’s girlfriend. Released in 1957, “Peggy Sue” is often named as one of the classics from the 1950’s due to Holly’s unique style. With the simple rhyme of his lyrics, to the simplicity of his melody, the song helped showcase Holly’s innovative style. From the guitar solo to the backing of the drum beat, the song would set a new standard for following artists.

Number two is “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” by Jerry Lee Lewis. Released in 1957, never before had such furious piano playing been used on a pop record. Lewis’ manic energy in playing the piano helped drive the single to the top. Never before had a madman punched out chords on a piano in what looked and sounded like a fiery attack. But it was the fiery style of playing that made Lewis’ sound. Mixed with suggestive lyrics, the became Lewis’ biggest single and put him in direct competition with Elvis Presley. The single was the peak of what was to be a brilliant career, one that possibly could have even eclipsed Elvis’.

The top record of the 1950’s was actually a double sided record by Elvis Presley. “Don’t Be Cruel” backed with “Hound Dog” was released in 1956 and would become one of the biggest sellers of all time. It didn’t take long for the single to reach number one. In 1956 though, both sides of a record were counted as two separate singles. That’s significant because “Hound Dog” would replace “Don’t Be Cruel” at the top of the charts giving Elvis an unprecedented 22 week’s at number one. It also helped give Elvis a rare occurrence of replacing himself at number one with another of his own singles. The single of both songs were Elvis’ biggest hits and showcased his undying energy. It also set the standard for all other songs and artists to come.

The 1950’s set the tone for rock-n-roll. It also set the tone for the youth to come. With its loud, unmistakable sound, the 1950’s helped shape pop culture.

Karla News

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