Stomach Bug Survival Guide

It’s stomach bug season again! But then when isn’t the stomach bug going around? It seems every where you turn, in every season the good ‘ol stomach bug isn’t far away. We all dread getting hit with the stomach bug bug, but eventually it will get you! So what do you do once you and your family gets hit with the infamous stomach bug? Follow the advice in this stomach bug survival guide and you’ll be on your way to feeling better in no time!

There are some basics you should have on hand when faced with the stomach bug. It would actually be a good ides to have these stomach bug survival items stored away for the day when the stomach bug hits your household. We all know that once you are hit with the stomach bug, going to the store is near impossible! So here is a list of must haves to survive the stomach bug

Crackers: Get the plain saltine crackers, nothing any fancier. there is no need for garlic or cheese flavored crackers when your stomach can’t hold much down any way. Crackers will absorb some of the acids floating around in your stomach and give you a comfortable “full” feeling instead of a growling tummy.

Ginger Ale: If there was ever a time to drink soda, it’s when you have the stomach bug. The trick is to add some fresh squeezed ginger into the soda to get even more stomach soothing benefits. Ginger helps to calm and soothe the stomach.

Gatorade: Gatorade is a great sports drink that helps replace electrolytes that your body loses during exercise – or dehydration. Dehydration is often a symptom the body faces while going through the motions of a stomach bug. Both diarrhea and vomiting excretes the bodies level of water and salts and need fluid to replace it. Gatorade is a good choice since it has the electrolytes in it!

Cola Syrup: This one is all my mother-in-law, but after finally following her wise advice, I won’t be caught with out a bottle of cola syrup! Cola syrup is an oldie but goodies cure for nausea often associated with the stomach bug. It works wonders for my kids, and myself. The best thing is it smells just like a can of cola, although taste extra sweet and syrupy. It’s not hard to get kids to take it. You can put a few teaspoons over ice and add a little water if it helps it go down. This really does seem to keep the vomiting at bay when you get hit with the stomach bug or if your just nauseous!

It is important to know when to call the doctor. Although most stomach bugs can be cured at home with plenty of rest, proper hydration and time – there are certain times when the stomach bug needs a doctors care. If you or your child begins to run a high grade fever that does not reduce even after using fever reducing medication, it is best to call the doctor. High fevers are often spiked by dehydration, and not having enough fluid in your body can cause the fever to run rampant. High fevers can be part of the stomach bug, so do not panic, it is only when a fever does not break after fever reducing medicine, or luke warm baths that causes concern.

Your stomach bug may need doctors care if you are unable to keep anything down for a long period of time. It is advised to wait 1-3 hours after vomiting before eating or drinking anything, but if as soon as it goes in- it comes out you risk being dehydrated again! Dehydration is a cause for concern and can be fixed easily at the hospital through an IV. So do not be afraid to call the doctor.

A key to getting rid of the stomach bug is proper rest. Giving to much medication can make us and especially our kids “feel better” and forgo the sleep. It is important that this time is mostly spend in bed, on the sofa or curled up in a chair with sleep on and off throughout the day. Having the stomach bug drains your body and you should not over exert it. Give your body the proper rest and be on your way to kicking the stomach bug to the curb!

For some very helpful home remedies for nausea, click here!


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