Some Teething Home Remedies

Teething usually starts when a baby is about six months old. And teething doesn’t end until the child is two and a half. But for most baby’s (and their parents), the first two to four teeth are the worst.

As those first teeth start to break through, they will cause your baby’s gums to become red, swollen and sore. And, as a result, your teething baby will be cranky, fussy, and irritable.

There’s no doubt about it. Teething hurts. But here are some home remedies that will help ease your baby’s pain.

Rubbing can soothe the pain of teething.

If your child is teething, rubbing a clean finger over their gums might help alleviate some of the pain. You could also rub a moist gauze pad or damp washcloth over your baby’s sore gums. The added texture will relieve teething pain, and the gauze will clean out your baby’s mouth.

Ice is a good home remedy for teething pain.

Wrap some ice in a cotton cloth and rub it across your child’s sore gums, moving it constantly rather than holding it in one place. Never apply ice directly to the gums, because this could cause damage.

Cold can help relieve teething pain.

Cold compresses are a common home remedy because the cold can relieve pain and swelling. When your child is teething, giving them a cold, wet washcloth to chew on can help sooth their sore gums. You can place the wet washcloth in the refrigerator for a few moments beforehand, to chill it slightly.

You can find teething rings that work in a similar way. These teething rings are filled with liquid that can be chilled and, when your child chews on them, will sooth your baby’s sore gums. But, even though the directions might tell you to put these teething rings in the freezer, you should chill them in the refrigerator instead. When frozen, these teething rings can cause as much harm as applying ice directly to your baby’s gums would.

If you’re worried about these teething rings not staying cold for long enough if you put them in the freezer instead of the refrigerator, by several so that you can trade them off as they lose their chill.

Make sure the teething ring you choose is sturdy, and won’t puncture if your child bites down on it too hard.

Try over-the-counter teething products.

Drug stores are filled with products designed to numb teething pain. You simply rub them on your baby’s sore gums to provide them with temporary relief.

If you’ve decided to give your teething baby an over-the-counter pain reliever, ask their doctor for some recommendations first. They will know what’s best.

When should you take your teething child to the doctor?

While painful, teething isn’t usually a serious condition. However, your child should be seen by a doctor if teething is accompanied by a fever. Fever is not a normal symptom of teething, and probably means your child is suffering from some other illness.

Your child should also be seen by a doctor if they are vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. As with fever, these are not normal symptoms of teething, and could be a sign of some other condition.

Teething can be trying, both for the child and the parent. But these home remedies can make teething a little easier for both of you.

Karla News

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