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Best Animal Shelters in Houston, Texas

Living in a city as large as Houston, Texas we have many organizations and shelters with resources to help pet owners and lovers. Our family has used these resources when we adopted our cats and when we found stray cats that needed a home. We have even gotten phone assistance from their personnel when we found a baby bird that fell out of his nest in our tree after a storm. With their expertise we were able to make another bird’s nest for him out of a plastic strawberry container before he was harmed by another animal. Below you will find a list of five of the best animal shelters in Houston, Texas. They all offer a large variety of services to help animals in need.

Houston SPCA
900 Portway Drive
Houston, Texas 77024

This is probably the most well known animal shelter in Houston, Texas. They are even well known in many other areas since they are featured on the popular television show “Animal Cops.” We adopted one of our five cats from this large organization. You will find help on their Website if you have lost a pet, are looking to adopt, spay or neuter your pet or find behavior or training classes. On their website they state, “Our mission is to promote commitment to and respect for all animals and free them from suffering, abuse and exploitation.” They offer services not only to cats and dogs, but also horses, cows, sheep, chickens, goats, birds, snakes and more.

They help to find homes for animals that were abandoned, or left homeless after hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Ike and now the Gulf oil spill. They have many fundraisers throughout the year to help raise funds to continue to serve and protect animals. They have telethons, raise money through the Chevron Houston Marathon, at their La Pooch Fashion Soiree, and through other donations. It takes a lot of funds for them to operate yearly. For example in 2009 the Houston SPCA helped over 100,000 animals in need and they investigated over 15,000 cases of abuse. Money is not all this organization needs with so many animals to be helped they always need volunteers. On the Internet you can get an application to fill out to volunteer. They need people to help with admitting, walk dogs, help in the barn, foster animals and much more.

Greyhound Pets of America
5602 Royalton
Houston, Texas
Emergency 713-866-4466

This national non-profit organizations mission is dedicated to finding responsible homes for retired racing greyhounds. They have been operating their local chapter in Houston, Texas since 1987, and are the largest non-profit adoption group helping over 65,000 greyhounds. Except for a couple of part time kennel employees they exist solely due to volunteers, they have over 500 active Houston area members. In October they are having their 9th annual Petfest in old town Spring, here you can see more about all the animal activities and attractions.

They have a monthly bath brigade, where the animals get extra love and care with their grooming. Also each month for a donation of $6.00 you can get your dogs nail trimmed. If you are looking to help support them they have many dogs that are needing adoption, you can also donate money. If you are looking for other ways to help they need: people to walk and bathe the dogs, volunteer at their shelter or one of their fundraising events and even sponsor a dog during the holidays.

Special Pals
3830 Greenhouse Road
Houston, Texas 77084

Located on the west side of Houston this non-profit charity organization is a limited intake shelter. Their mission reads, “The mission of special pals are to make the world a better place for healthy cats and dogs by providing temporary shelter, healthcare, and alternative to euthanasia, adoptive homes and education to the community about the responsibilities of pet ownership and the importance of spaying and neutering.” Located near Katy, Texas you will find their wooded 3 & ½ acres, that houses about 100 cats and dogs.

They provide low cost shot clinics to the community for pets. They sponsor food and cat litter drives and you are able to visit their pets and adopt one. When you use your Kroger card at your grocery store it helps to support them. They also have on site boarding for a reasonable price, low cost spaying and neutering and limited medical care. If you are looking to help they accept cash donations and right now they need volunteers with construction knowledge to help turn an old house into their new low costs spay and neuter clinic.

Houston Humane Society
14700 Almeda Road
Houston, Texas 77053

This non-profit animal shelter’s mission is to eliminate abuse, cruelty and the overpopulation of animals. They receive no state or federal funds and operate only by donations. They proved animal owners in the Houston, Texas area with numerous welfare programs that include adoptions, cruelty investigation, education and Houston’s only $30.00 spay and neuter clinic.

They have fund raising activities like: a fun run, golf tournament, Fashionista’s and Furry Friends Gala and Paw Prints, a program that helps the animals of needy individuals who are coping with AIDS. If you are not able to help with monetary donations they also need individuals to donate vehicles, their time, cell phones and other old electronics. You can see a complete list online on ways you can help out.

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center
7007 Katy Road
Houston, Texas 77024

This Houston, Texas non-profit organization’s goal is to meet the increasing need for wildlife assistance in the greater Houston/upper Gulf coast area. Yearly they help rescue thousand of sick, injured or orphaned wild birds and mammals. Their licensed rehabilitators care for all types of native Texas wildlife. They are Houston’s only trauma and wildlife rehabilitation center that treats all native Texas wildlife species, they have never turned away a sick or orphaned native Texas wild animal. Their ultimate goal is to rehabilitate the injured animals and release them back into their habitat.

They are located next door to the Houston SPCA and are ready to help with emergency response of natural disasters. They also can advise you on how to handle unwanted animals like snakes, raccoons and opossums. To help them continue with their mission to help save wildlife in Texas they need monetary donations. Here you can read more about their programs with Randall’s, Kroger and Office Depot. You can also help with donations of newspapers, batteries, gloves, bleach, heating pads, pedialyte, paper towel, nuts, seeds and heat lamps.

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