Categories: Pets

Siamese Cats: Not for the Faint Hearted

Siamese cats are wonderful pets. Their unique talkative personality, athletic capabilities and endless curiosity make each day spent with them an adventure. With their stunning bicolor coat and brilliant blue eyes, this ancient breed is as stunning in personality as they are in looks.

After people stop staring at the stunning, intelligent blue eyes and the gorgeous two-toned coat, they often become enamored of the Siamese personality. The Siamese is an active and curious cat. They find creative and unusual ways to get into trouble. While a thin, light cat, Siamese are surprisingly strong. As they can be very stubborn as well, this can be a challenge for the average owner.

The Siamese is a talkative cat, vocalizing about a variety of things. They have many different meows and chirps and their owners come to understand the meanings of these sounds, at least in a general way. The loud Siamese call, which non-fanciers often think of when they think of a Siamese, is only used when the cat is particularly distressed about something. Each Siamese has its own stress tolerance and finds different situations uncomfortable so some cats use the vocal call more often than others.

Loyal to a fault, the Siamese is often a one-person cat, only tolerating others in the household. This should not be confused with a fearful cat. Fearful cats run and hide. The Siamese will stay and watch whatever is going on but allow only the preferred person (or in some cases persons) to hold and pet them.

Siamese love attention and need personal attention from their humans. They are smart enough to cause a lot of trouble if left at home for long periods alone. They are also highly athletic. You never know what they might decide to get into. This can be frustrating for those who like an orderly house. Interactive play toys are wonderful for these cats. They get the attention they crave and the exercise their bodies need.

Siamese cats can be trained to do certain things. Some like to walk on a leash, understanding that this gives them the best access to the outdoors. Others will fetch, having learned that playing with their human is far more enjoyable than playing alone. The human involved in training must understand that the training only happens if the cat desires it. A Siamese can be very stubborn about things it does not want to do.

Siamese do best in households where someone is home for much of the day or at least get plenty of attention after a normal eight hour work-day. Those who are forced to work16 hour work-days would do better to find another breed of cat. This is for the peace of mind of the human not to mention the well being of the Siamese.

If you have a home and lifestyle that suits the Siamese, you are in for a long and rewarding relationship. Their style and personality make them a wonderful pet.


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