Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Review of Sodastream Fountain Jet Starter Kit

I was given a Best Buy gift card recently for $100, and my intentions were to use it on some new Wii U video games, unfortunately their selection of games is still miniscule. Disappointed, I headed out and spotted the Sodastream Fountain Jet on sale for $79.99.

I had been wanting one of these for quite some time, and I figured what a better time to go ahead and pick one up. I’m a soda junkie by nature and the thought of making my own brew at home had peaked my curiosity ever since I had first heard about the Sodastream.

The kit came with the basic things I would need in order to start making my own soda, and it even included a sample pack of 6 flavors that I could use.

It all seemed great, and the moment I got home I went ahead and began setting up my system.

Ease Of Assembling:

I have to say putting the Sodastream Jet together was a cinch, so easy a young child could do it. However what I did not particularly like was how cheap and flimsy the plastic parts felt. It seemed they could crack easy if cleaned in a dishwasher, or even by hand.

I overlooked the issue, as there was nothing I could do about it for the moment.

Adding the included carbonation bottle was also very easy and only requires you to screw it in. The same goes for the small included bottle which you use to make your soda in.


We read the instructions where it stated to hold the pump down until you heard 3 loud buzzing sounds. Our first batch of soda we ruined because we only pressed it down 3 times. The fact is you have to actually keep pressing it down till you hear the sounds, which is more like air releasing pressure than a buzz noise.

Once we had the method of adding carbonation to the water, we were in business!

You can add more or less carbonation depending on how you like your soda. I like extra bubbles, so one extra pump delivered a bubbly soda in which I couldn’t ever buy. I call it the extra super bubble soda.


In order to make soda, you first carbonate the water, which literally takes seconds. Next, you simply add the required amount of soda syrup to your carbonated water.

I was pleasantly surprised with just how good the soda was, and how many bubbles the carbonation bottle added to it! I loved Dr. Pete, which is nothing more than Dr. Pepper, and the diet colas, and cola was also very good. The orange soda has a strange aftertaste, but it is not a terrible flavor.

We have been experimenting with different flavors, and so far Dr. Pete is a household favorite.


The Sodastream Jet works great. The only downside to this whole system is that you have to pay for refillable carbonation bottles in once the carbonation runs out. You can trade them in however at Staples for half off the price the Sodastream website will charge.

All in all though, in the long run it saves money, and is Eco friendly.

I love mine, and am glad that I went ahead and finally picked one up.


Karla News

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