Categories: Food & Wine

Recipe for Filipino Style Spaghetti

Spaghetti was brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards. In Spanish style spaghetti, you get tomatoes with the pasta but Filipinos cook it differently by adding in hot dogs as well as ground pork. It’s a favorite dinner for many Filipino children and they are always sure to include at birthday parties. Filipinos also prepare this on special occasions such as anniversaries, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

These are the ingredients that you need to have and how they should be prepared prior to cooking.

2 lbs of pasta
1 and a half pound of hot dogs chopped into small pieces
7 cloves of garlic that are each chopped up into 4 pieces
3 onions chopped into small pieces
14 oz of ketchup
3 liters of water in order to boil the pasta
½ tsp of salt for boiling the pasta
½ of olive oil for boiling the pasta

1. First you want to boil the 3 liters of water in a large pot.
2. After you have finished that, put in the ½ tsp of salt and the ½ of olive oil in the boiled water. This is so the pasta will not stick together.
3. Put the 2 lbs of pasta into the boiled water with the salt and olive oil.
4. Turn it to a low setting and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes all the while constantly stirring the everything.
5. Drain the pasta and then run some water through it. Set it to the side.
6. Next, get a pan and fry up the chopped hot dogs and then set it aside.
7. In another separate pan, heat up the 1 tbsp of olive oil for short time.
8. After that, add the 7 cloves of garlic that are chopped to the pan of olive oil. Saute the garlic until it becomes a golden brown color.
9. Next add the chopped onions to the pan. Saute the onions with the olive oil and garlic for a couple of minutes.
10. Then add in the ¾ pound of ground pork to that same pan. Saute the ground pork with the olive oil, garlic and onions for a couple of minutes.
11. After you have finished sauteing everything, put in the ½ cup of water and leave it for 10 minutes to soften and cook the ground pork.
13. After 10 minutes have passed, add to that mix, 24 oz of tomato sauce, 14 oz of ketchup, ½ tsp of black pepper, 2/3 tsp of salt, 3 tbsp of sugar and the fried hot dogs. Bring everything to a boil and then it will be ready to serve. You can add more sugar depending on how sweet you want your spaghetti sauce.
14. Just put the sauce on the pasta and you are finished!

Karla News

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