Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Randi Rhodes Suspended for Blanking Hillary Clinton

Yeee-Haww!!! It’s about time that somebody remembered how to use the word “busted” over there on the liberal, left-end talk show of our radio dials. Potty-mouthed Randi Rhodes, hosted by Air America, was suspended on Thursday for calling Hillary Clinton, Geraldine Ferraro, and others names, according to a Fox News article.

Specifically, our long-haired, sweet looking, 50-year-old little Randi used the words: ‘whore’ seven times, ‘f—ing’ seven times, ‘f–k’ four times, three almost shoots, and one each of words: ‘a-hole’, b-dog, and another good old ‘f ‘again, this time with the ‘ed’ ending. Randi was speaking live to a group in San Francisco, while the show was being recorded for a later broadcasting, according to Wikipedia.

Randi grew up in a Jewish home, according to Wikipedia, and this isn’t the first time that she’s been banned from the radio for her lack-of-ethics. In 1987 Randi was suspended from a different radio station for offending gays and advertisers and prior to that it appears that the Air Force asked her to leave in an unusual way that later produced an Honorable Discharge.

Air America knew what type of announcer it was that they were hiring in 2004, they were jointly sued for defamation in 2005, and here we are today wondering why Air America suspended Randi Rhodes for calling Hillary Clinton a ‘Big… f—ing whore’? My question isn’t why they chose to suspended her; I want to know why they hired her in the first place. Randi doesn’t seem to have a very good track record.

Left-end liberal talk radio keeps going further downhill on entertainment value. The last time that I accidentally tuned it in instead of my favorite brand of chat, the unknown male commentator that I was listening to was just yelling. A nice man had called into the radio station, and had stated his position; then the announcer just started yelling whatever came into his head, some yelling didn’t even fit the topic. The man on the phone sounded interesting… but, the nonsensical yelling went on long enough so that the man hung up.

Left-liberal people are supposed to be against both Clinton and Obama this year in their beliefs, but the radio stations big boss Charlie Kireker is listed on the Obama site as an Obama supporter. This has some political web sites like Radio Equalizer beginning to question why it took Radio America about two weeks to suspend Randi after her words.

The Randi conspiracy theory being promoted is that the radio station was tired of Randi’s antics and wants to get out of their high-pay contract with her somehow, and this is the reason why a suspension was chosen for her two weeks after the bad words were spoken. In a way, it almost makes sense to me that something is wrong with a radio station devoted to liberal, with higher-ups supporting Obama, taking two weeks to suspend somebody who could have cost them their FCC license.

In the long-run, I don’t believe that the left-end liberal radio stations will last. They are at the point right now where it is more yelling than entertainment, and Randi Rhodes just proved that she’s out of ideas on what to say next, so she is filling in the blanks with lots of cussing just to waste time. When people go listen to a show about politics, it might be fun to hear one of these yelling ones once, but nobody is going to listen to something without any substance for any length of time.

Karla News

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