Categories: Pets

Puppy Potty Training 101

The number one reason that most people avoid owning a dog is potty training. However, potty training does not have to be difficult. By following a few simple steps you can potty train any puppy within just a few days. Yes I said a few days! There are a few supplies that you will need to begin.

What supplies do I need to begin potty training?
One or more puppies
One backdoor
Jingle Bells (At the holidays you can usually find a door knob hanger that has bells on it. These work perfect.
Ribbon or rope, to hang the bells at your puppys height.
Enzyme pet cleaner, just in case
Appropriate sized kennel
Puppy pads or newspaper

How do I begin potty training?
The one thing your puppy needs more than anything when potty training is consistency. If you are inconsistent while training your puppy it will take much longer to potty train your puppy. Be gentle and consistent and your puppy will follow your guidance and within days you will know your puppy’s habits and he or she will trust you and see you as the alpha “dog”.

Step 1
You will need to start your potty training by keeping the dog with you at all times and controling the puppys food and water at all times. By controling the food and water you can more easily control when the puppy will need to potty or poop. With the puppy always at your side the puppy will be unlikely to get away with an accident in the house. Once you see the puppy circling immediately take the puppy outside to the designated potty spot. Each time you take the puppy outside to potty be sure to ring the bells and say potty, you will also want to praise the puppy when the puppy pottys or poops outside. Say somthing like, “Good dog, your going potty.” As soon as the puppy is done pottying give the dog a treat and praise the puppy liberially.

Step 2
There are two reasons why you are controlling when the puppy gets to eat and drink. The main reason that you want to control the food and water is so that you can reduce the window of time that the puppy will need to pee and poop in. Dogs will need to potty and poop within minutes of eating and some dogs may even need to go two or three times within a thirty minute window. The second reason you are controling the food and water is to help you establish dominance within your pack. The puppy needs to know that you will lead the pack.

Step 3
A kennel is an important accessory for potty training. Using an appropriate sized kennel and either puppy pads or newspaper you can keep your puppy in his/her new “den”. Many people are uncomfortable using kennels to contain their puppys, but I have found that after the first couple of nights the dogs is quite comfortable. The kennel becomes the dogs new den, their safe place. The kennel needs to be just big enough for the dog to stand up in and turn around, any bigger and you will affect the potty training. The puppy needs to have no where to lay but on or very near the potty and or poop. Dogs do not like sharing their den with feces and thus they will learn that if they potty or poop in their den they will have to deal with it for the rest of the night. A puppys bladder does not fully mature for the first two years, so you will need to let the puppy out to potty if you will be sleeping longer than four to five hours.

Tips for quicker and better potty training:
NEVER yell at or hit the puppy for peeing or pooping in the house, especially if you did not catch the puppy in the act. If by chance you catch the puppy in the act or peeing or pooping in the house give the puppy a stern No and immediately take the puppy to the potty spot.

If you have access to more than one outside door always use the same door to take the puppy out to potty. Use a different door for when you are taking the puppy for a walk or out to play.

Feed your puppy a high quality, natural dog food like Merrick or Wellness.

Until your puppy is complete potty trained take the puppy out to potty on a leash. Using a leash you can keep the puppy from wandering away from the designated spot and keep the puppy on task.

Always have small, soft treats within reach so that when your puppy behaves well you can immediately praise and treat the puppy.

If you have a puppy who mis-uses the bells to go outside to play you can discourage this behavior by not treating the puppy and ignoring the puppy once back inside the house. Puppys do not like to be ignored and they will be able to feel that you are being aloof with them. The puppy will quickly learn that he or she will not get extra attention by ringing the bell at an inappropriate time.

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