Properly Hydrating Your Body by Drinking 64 Ounces of Water a Day

Everyone has heard that you need to drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Did you know that this is what your body actually needs to perform its healthy, normal functions on a daily basis? Approximately 70 percent of your body is made up of water, so your entire body – from your brain to your skin, and all of your vital organs – relies on water to keep it functioning properly.

Did you know that water oxidizes your entire body? Water helps feed your brain, aids in your digestion, regulates the temperature of your body, keeps your skin clear, lubricates your joints and bones, maintains muscle tone, metabolizes fat, lubricates organs and transports nutrients throughout your entire body while removing toxins and waste. Without water, your could not function in the most basic ways possible, all the way from breathing, walking and thinking.

Water is so vital to your body that when you do not get enough of it, your entire system begins to break down. Here, specifically are reasons to monitor the amount of water you are drinking, and make certain you do not take in less then your body needs!

Water reduces your risk of heart attacks. Researchers have found that people who drink more than five glasses of water a day are less likely to die from heart attacks and heart diseases then those who drink less then two glasses per day.

Water makes you more alert. Most adults lose around ten cups of fluid a day through sweating, breathing and elimination. Even minor dehydration can cause impaired mental functioning, fatigue, irritability and headaches.

Water prevents infections of the digestive and urinary tract systems. Water can help prevent kidney stones, reduce chances of getting bladder, kidney and urinary tract infections. A study published in the International Nursing Review in 2005 found that the risk of colon cancer for women who drink more then five glasses of water a day was 45 percent lower than for those who drank only two or less glasses a day.

Control your weight with water consumption. Increasing your water intake can help you lose weight by helping you to feel more full. It will also keep the systems of your body, which includes your metabolism and digestive system working properly and give you more energy with the hydration that you need to exercise and be more active.

Water will flush toxins from your body. It will lessen the burden put on your kidneys.

Water keeps your muscles and joints healthy by lubricating and cushioning them. Drinking water before, during and after you exercise (Contrary to popular belief!) will keep your muscles from cramping up and from getting tired too quickly. And no it will not give you cramps!

Water is a wonderful way to keep yourself regular. It is a wonderful way to prevent constipation. It keeps the waste hydrated and that makes it easy to flow as it is meant to through your body, thus eliminating regularly.

Drinking water is when you are ill is a good way to speed up your recovery, as the fluids will flush the bacteria and virus out of your body a lot faster. It will also help keep your fever down and regulated.

When a woman is pregnant, it is doubly important for her to drink enough water. For one thing, she is literally drinking for two. For another, a fetus needs water in order to grow properly. If a woman is suffering from morning sickness, many times she will actually be dehydrated and her body is telling her to drink up!

During childhood, an active healthy child can lose up to 2 quarts of water in a 24 hour period, and water is vital to normal growth and development. So be sure that your kids stop several times a day, long enough to drink a glass of water.

A thirsty body needs immediate attention. Water is so important that when you do not get enough of it, your system can break down, effecting your entire being. It starts with being mildly thirsty. Your lips and mouth will feel dry and then progressively you will notice a lack of skin elasticity and sunken eyes. Watch for these signs and drink up!

Karla News

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