Categories: Beauty

Product Review for L’Oreal Sublime Bronze Self Tanning Spray

I have a tanning bed at home and unfortunately it broke. My husband is a bit of a procrastinator so it is yet to be fixed and has been broke for several weeks. This has put me in a bit of a bind. I like having that healthy glow you get from tanning and it is too cold to tan outside yet. This led me to my purchase of L’Oreal Sublime self tanning spray.

L’Oreal Sublime self tanning spray comes in an orange aerosol spray can. It has gold, white and brown writing on it. Each spray can contains 3.9oz of self tanning spray.

You can find this product at your local Walmart next to the lotions section with all the other self tanning products. Its price varies but s usually around $7.00 or so.

To use self tanning spray you must shake the can well before trying to apply it. Then all over your body, you spray the tanning spray at an arm length. Be sure to sparingly use spray around knees, elbows and ankles. Stand on an old bath towel to prevent spray from getting on floor and making it slick. Before dressing, be sure all spray has dried on your body. Wash your hands well after each application to prevent them from turning brown. Apply every day until your tan is the color you want it to be. To keep up the look up you must reapply it 1 to 2 times per week.

L’Oreal Sublime self tanning spray was designed to help reach spots that aren’t easy to get too and provide an even application without streaks.

What I liked about this product was that it was easy to use and does not leave streaks. Also it works fast. An hour after application your color starts to develop quickly and lasts for several days. Maintaining color I easy because you just give it a quick spray and you’re done.

What I didn’t like about this product was that it’s pretty pricey and it has a funky smell to it. I wait a few hours after application and then shower it off. If I don’t, husband complains about the smell.

I highly recommend this product to other because it’s quick, easy and is safe to use. It softens skin, streak free and isn’t too greasy. This product is great for those who can’t tan, like my sister who is stark white and burns. She used this product and looked so great and you can too.

Please be warned though, this product does not at all contain sunscreen. You must put some on if you are to be exposed to the sun. This product is also flammable, so do not use while smoking. This can has to be kept in a cool dry place.

Karla News

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