Categories: Prose

Rainbows God’s Gift and God’s Rewards

Roy G Biv is the acronym for the colors of the rainbow. This stands for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

However, have you ever thought about what a rainbow really is and what it really symbolizes?

The refraction and reflection of sunlight is what makes rainbows appear. When sunlight passes through ice crystals it forms halos that are mostly colored. Rainbows can come in different forms from Red Bows to Twinned Bows to Cloud and Moon Bows.

To see a rainbow there must be falling rain and sunshine. The best time to see them is either early morning or late afternoon. This is because the sun cannot be too high in the sky. Red is most always the primary and outer color of the rainbow.

However, a rainbow is not just a set of colored rings. If you have ever noticed the sky is brighter inside the rainbow. This is due to the fact that raindrops direct light there also.

Now that you know a little bit about rainbows, let us talk about what they really mean.

The very first rainbow was put into the sky as a promise from God that he would never again flood the entire earth. He made this promise to Noah after the Great Flood. This is the physical meaning of a rainbow.

Yet, a rainbow has a very spiritual meaning also. Its beauty makes an enormous statement to people.

A rainbows beauty simply says that even after the roughest storm things will get better. Beauty will appear in a person’s life again. This is the spiritual meaning.

God brings storms into everyone’s lives. Even Christians have to suffer at times. There is absolutely no where in the Bible that God says we will never have to face trials and tribulations. You see, these trials and tribulations are God’s tests to see if we will count on Him or ourselves.

Once we have learned to depend on Him through everything, then we will always see a rainbow when the storm is over.

Rainbows come in all colors, shapes, and sizes just exactly like our troubles. We can one day have very petty or no troubles at all. The next day we can have troubles the size of the Pacific Ocean.

Guess what, keep holding God’s hand, let Him be your guide, let Him handle the situation, and let Him take complete control. Keep looking to the sky and you will soon find the most beautiful rainbow ever created.

So you see, rainbows are not just colors in the sky they are promises for your heart. God always puts the most rainbows into the lives with the most storms.


Personal note

Karla News

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