Categories: Food & Wine

Product Comparison : Caffeine Free Diet Coke VS Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi

As I type this article I am sipping from a cupful of Caffeine Free Diet Coke that was poured from a two liter bottle that is sitting in my refrigerator. Sitting behind the bottle of Diet Coke is a two liter bottle of Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi. Since I began drinking caffeine free soda a couple of months ago I’ve been alternating between the two varieties. Quite often, it depends on which brand is on sale.

Presented here, is an article which compares Caffeine Free Diet Coke and Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi.

The regular retail price charged for one two liter bottle of Caffeine Free Diet Coke at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets and pharmacies ranges between $1.39 and $1.99.

The regular retail price charged for one two liter bottle of Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets and pharmacies ranges between $1.25 and $1.99.

Caffeine Free Diet Coke is sold in 12 ounce cans, a 50.70 ounce bottle, a two liter bottle, 7.5 ounce cans and 20 ounce bottles.

Aside from the two liter bottles that are being reviewed here Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi is sold in 12 ounce cans, 16 ounce plastic bottles, 7.5 ounce cans and 24 ounce bottles.

Nutritional Facts
Caffeine Free Diet Coke contains 0 calories with 0 calories from fat per eight fluid ounce serving. This diet cola also contains 0 grams total fat, 0 grams trans fat, 30 mg of sodium, 0 grams total carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber and 0 grams of protein per eight fluid ounce serving.

Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi contains 0 calories with 0 calories from fat per eight fluid ounce serving. This soda also contains 0 grams total fat, 25 mg of sodium, 0 grams total carbohydrates, 0 grams of sugars and 0 grams of protein per eight fluid ounce serving.

The 12 ounce cans and 16 ounce bottles of Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi are tannish with the red, white and blue Pepsi logo in the front foreground. The 24 ounce bottles feature a silverish-white label and the two liter bottles sport a clean white label with the Pepsi logo front and center.

Caffeine Free Diet Coke bottles and cans feature brownish-tan labels that closely resemble regular Diet Coke labels; you have to look closely to see the words caffeine free.

Taste / Flavor
To be honest, I regularly drink Diet Coke when I’m at a restaurant or social function but that’s usually because it is the only type of diet soda that is available. When I discovered two liter bottles of Caffeine Free Diet Coke I was happy to find that I really enjoyed its flavor. Maybe I’m imagining it, but it seems to me that the caffeine free version of Diet Coke tastes slightly and favorably different from regular Diet Coke.

For the most part I have always slightly preferred the flavor of Pepsi products over Coca-Cola products and it seems like that is the case with caffeine free sodas as well.

My wonderful youngest sister is a big fan of Diet Pepsi and by drinking it with her I have also become a big fan. Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi tastes a little sweeter to me than the Diet Coke and its cola flavor seems to be the more balanced of the two.

Overall Rating
All things considered, Caffeine Free Diet Coke and Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi are both tasty and refreshing beverages.

From my experience I have found that diet sodas that are also caffeine free especially brown-colored sodas, are few and far between. Although I do slightly prefer drinking Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi over Caffeine Free Diet Coke I would certainly recommend both of these soda varieties.

Sources :
Personal experience with both brands of soda



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